Greetings, Lords around the world!
This is GM Helvania.
Let's take a look at the update we have lined up for April 25th (Tue).
※ The detailed schedule for maintenance will be announced via a separate blog post.
※ Please note that you cannot play the game during maintenance.
※ The update details shared below are subject to change during the course of the maintenance.
■ New Content: 1000 Days' Contract

- 1000 Days' Contract can be found in the Avillon Event tab of the Citadel.
- Players will be able to begin the 1000 Days' Contract once they have completed 10 Hero Contracts.
- For every day logged in, the counter for the number of days remaining on the 1000 Days' Contract will reduce by 1.
- The contract counter will not reset even if players do not log in on consecutive days and will tick on an accumulative basis.

- The contract counter will tick down by a set number of days when certain missions are completed.
- After mission requirements are met, players will need to tap the 'Reduce Time' button to complete the mission.
- Players will be able to receive 'Combat Model Mu (Light)' after completing 1000 days of the contract.
■ Check-In Event: The Sorceress' Story
- Duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – May 8th (Mon) 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Converse with Cesaire for 7 days and find out more about her true nature. Receive rewards by checking out Cesaire's story every day!

■ New Heroes
1) ★5 Combat Model Mu (Light)

- Combat Model Mu (Light) will be added to the Chronicles.
- Combat Model Mu (Light) can be recruited through the 1000 Days' Contract.
- Comments for Combat Model Mu (Light) will be added to the Archives.
- When recruited, Combat Model Mu (Light) will already be ascended to her 2nd ascension. As such, Combat Model Mu (Light) cannot be ascended.
- Combat Model Mu (Light) cannot be designated as a Main Hero and uses a different model to the Mu in the citadel.
"I am already by your side, Master."
2) ★5 Aran (Fire)

- Aran (Fire) will be added to the Chronicles.
- Aran (Fire) can be recruited through Featured Summon - Far Eastern Visitor.
- Comments for Aran (Fire) will be added to the Archives.
3) ★5 Ian (Light)

- Ian (Light) will be added to the Chronicles.
- Ian (Light) can be recruited through Featured Summon - Far Eastern Visitor.
- Comments for Ian (Light) will be added to the Archives.
■ New Summon: Far Eastern Visitor

1) Duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – July 1st (Sat) 02:59 (UTC+0)
2) Summon Details: Players can summon certain ★5 Heroes & Relics.
▶ Recruitable Heroes:
5★ Aran (Fire), ★5 Ian (Light)
▶ Summonable Relics:
Aran (Fire) / Ian (Light)
Astrid (Dark) / Astrid (Fire) / Astrid (Water) / Astrid (Earth)
Olivia (Light) / Olivia (Water) / Olivia (Earth)
Helga (Fire) / Helga (Dark) / Helga (Water)
Zaira (Earth) / Zaira (Light) / Zaira (Fire)
Laphlaes (Earth) / Laphlaes (Fire)
Schneider (Earth) / Schneider (Water) / Schneider (Fire) / Schneider (Dark)
Mikhail (Earth) / Mikhail (Dark)
Charlotte (Earth) / Charlotte (Water) / Charlotte (Dark)
Johan (Light) / Johan (Water) / Johan (Fire)
Fram (Light) / Fram (Fire) / Fram (Water)
3) Please Note
※ Summoning Period may be subject to change and any changes will be announced in a separate blog post.
※ 'Far Eastern Visitor' Summon is categorized as 'Featured Summon' and will be separate from other types of Summon, thus their summon count totals will not overlap or count toward each other.
※ Any Relics that are summonable from 'Far Eastern Visitor' cannot be summoned from 'Contract Summons'.
※ Any Relics & Heroes that are summonable from the 'Far Eastern Visitor' can be summoned from another summons in the future.
※ If the player has not recruited 5★ Aran (Fire) within 89 summons, then the player is guaranteed to recruit 5★ Aran (Fire) on the series of summons that includes their 90th.
- If the player recruits 5★ Aran (Fire) before their 90th summon, the summon count will be reset.
※ If the player possesses 'Featured Summon Tickets', Tickets will be used prior to other items. However, if the number of possessed tickets is less than the number of summons they wish to proceed with, Linkstones will be used to proceed with the summon.
※ Detailed information on summon rates is available via the Rates button.
■ New Outfits
1. Wedding Collection – Ondal

"Hurry up. We're up. You can't have a wedding without the betrothed."

- Ondal's 'Wedding Collection' outfit will be added to the Boutique / Designer's Closet.
- Sale duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – July 1st (Sat) 02:59 (UTC+0)
2. Wedding Collection – Lumie

"Are you nervous? Don't worry! I'm right beside you!"

- Lumie's 'Wedding Collection' outfit will be added to the Boutique / Designer's Closet.
- Sale duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – July 1st (Sat) 02:59 (UTC+0)
※ 'Wedding Collection' is an outfit item that changes Heroes' appearance overall.
※ Outfit grades are divided into Normal and Limited editions.
※ Players can purchase Normal Edition outfits at 'Boutique' and Limited Edition ones at 'Designer's Closet'.
※ Limited Edition outfits are defined by their unique coloring in comparison to their Normal counterparts.
3. Accessories: Exclusive accessories for Aran & Ian
- 27 exclusive accessories will be added for both Aran and Ian respectively.
- Sale duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – July 1st (Sat) 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Obtained accessories and outfits can be found in the Heroes > Outfits tab (hanger icon on the right side)
- Drop rates have been updated due to the addition of the new accessories.
■ New Paid Items
1. Mission Pass: Ondal
- Duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – June 1st (Thu) 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Various rewards are obtainable by completing missions from the Mission Pass. Rewards included: Energy, Gold, Mystic Soulstones, and much more.

【 Premium Pass 】
- Duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – June 1st (Thu) 01:59 (UTC+0)
※The Premium Pass is purchasable up until 1 hour before the Mission Pass ends.
- Price: USD 22.99 (Once per account)
- Rewards Included: Various Premium Pass items including Premium Pass Costume – 'Noir: Eternal Companion'
【 Mission/Premium Pass Guide 】

2. Mission Pass: Lumie
- Duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – June 1st (Thu) 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Various rewards are obtainable by completing missions from the Mission Pass. Rewards included: Energy, Gold, Mystic Soulstones, and much more.

【 Premium Pass 】
- Duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – June 1st (Thu) 01:59 (UTC+0)
※The Premium Pass is purchasable up until 1 hour before the Mission Pass ends.
- Price: USD 22.99 (Once per account)
- Rewards Included: Various Premium Pass items including Premium Pass Costume – 'Blanche: Bouquet of Promises'
【 Mission/Premium Pass Guide 】

※ The package is effective immediately upon purchase and thus not refundable.
※ Purchased pass gifts can be claimed to the Inbox by tapping on the 'Accept' button.
3. Avillon Festa - Permanent Discout
- The price of 'Avillon Festa' will be permanently discounted to the event price.

※ This package has 5 levels. Each level is unlocked after purchasing the previous one. (i.e., Purchasing Level 2 unlocks the Level 3 purchase option)
※ Levels 1–4 can be purchased only once, but Level 5 can be purchased up to 10 times.
※ Please Note
- The Avillon Festa Package may be available again at the start of each month.
- You can claim the items via the Shop tab in 'Mail' upon purchase.
- If you are unable to claim the purchased item from the inbox, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
■ Mystic Beast Hunt
- During the event period, Grondal will appear in the world!

[ Event Schedule ]
- Duration: April 28th(Fri) 03:00 – May 8th(Mon) 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Special Shop: April 28th(Fri) 03:00 – May 10th(Wed) 02:59 (UTC+0)
[ Family Month Festival: Encounter Rate-Up Event ]
- Event Dates: April 29th (Sat), April 30th (Sun), May 6th (Sat), May 7th (Sun)
- Buff duration: 20:00 – 22:00 (Local Time)
- Rate-up Details: The encounter rate of Mystic beasts will be increased from Normal → High during the event.
※ The Rate-Up Buff will be applied based on the time zone players created their account in.
[ Event Rewards ]

[ Special Shop List ]

※ You can find detailed information about the event in the in-game Event tab.
※ Please Note
- During the event, a Mystic Beast will occasionally appear in wave 2 of the story region and Primeval Hall stages.
- Mystic Beasts only appear in stages that you have already completed!
- Hunting medals that can be used at the special shop will be rewarded when defeating a mystic beast.
- Collected medals can be exchanged into various items at the special shop.
- The mystic beast appears in random elements, and the obtainable amount of hunting medals varies by its elemental type.
- The mystic beast has different stats varied by the difficulty level of stories and Primeval Hall stages, but the amount of obtainable hunting medals is the same.
- The remaining hunting medals are automatically compensated to 500 Gold per medal when the event ends.
- The obtained hunting medals can only be used during the event duration.
■ Avillon Event Updates
Event 1. Conqueror of the Glaciers
- Event duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – Until further notice
- Battle in the Glacier of Oblivion on all elements and earn rewards according to the number of floors sealed!
※ Glacier of Oblivion is only accessible to players who have unlocked it.

Event 2. Heroes of the Oblivion!
- Event duration: April 25th (Thu) maintenance – May 7th (Sun) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Achieve victory in Glacier of Oblivion with selected heroes and earn rewards!
※ Glacier of Oblivion is only accessible to players who have unlocked it.

Event 3. Obelisk Ascension
- Event duration: April 27th (Thu) 15:00 – April 30th (Sun) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Fight battles in the Obelisk during the event and get rewards!

Event 4. Paid to Upgrade
- Event duration: April 27th (Thu) 15:00 – April 30th (Sun) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Get rewards every day for upgrading your equipment! The more you upgrade, the more you get!

Event 5. Calamity's Bane
- Event duration: April 30th (Sun) 15:00 – May 14th (Sun) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Join Raid battles during the event and get rewards!

Event 6. Vie for Victory!
- Duration: May 3rd (Wed) 15:00 – May 17th (Wed) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Win battles in the coliseum and get rewards upon number of victories!

Event 7. Ad Gifts
- Event duration: April (Sun) 30th 15:00 – May 31st (Wed) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Rewards will be given depending on the number of ads watched!

Event 8. Avillon Ambassadors
- Event duration: May 3rd (Wed) 15:00 – May 17th (Wed) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Send out your heroes on expeditions and receive rewards!

■ Adjustments in Alchemy
1. Alchemy - Aran (Fire) [Guardian] artifacts will be added.
- Duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – July 1st (Sat) 02:59 (UTC+0)
2. Alchemy - Ian (Light) [Warrior] artifacts will be added.
- Duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – July 1st (Sat) 02:59 (UTC+0)
3. Alchemy - Mu (Light) [Cleric] artifacts will be added.
- Duration: April 25th (Tue) maintenance – July 1st (Sat) 02:59 (UTC+0)
■ Other Adjustment and Bugfixes
- (Fixed) An issue where players could not access Joshua (Dark)'s Side Story in the Archives even after recruiting the hero.
: For players who have recruited Joshua (Dark) and cannot access his Side Story in the Archives, please restart the game to fix the issue.
- (Fixed) An issue where hero ascension levels would occasionally appear incorrectly on hero's icons in the Archive comments.