Greetings, Lords around the world!
This is GM Isola.
Please check the update details for February 22nd.
- We will announce the fixed date via further notice.
- Please be aware that you cannot play the game during maintenance.
- The update details shared below are subject to change during the course of the maintenance.
■ Archives - New Comments added
- New Archives comments for following Heroes will be added.
* Comments for Heroes can be found at [Archives > Heroes]
- [F] Astrid / [W] Helga / [W] Bianca / [E] Dhurahan / [L] Walther

■ New Hero Updated
1) New Hero : [Light] Alev ★4 Sniper
- [L] Alev appears in the Chronicle.
- Recruit [L] Alev by purchasing Hero Recruitment Package in the Shop.
- Comment of [L] Alev will be added in the Archives.
“ I'm happy to have another friend who likes spicy food! Lyn has been saying she wants to go on a "spicy restaurant tour" forever, and now we've got a third person to join us! ” - Anonymous
2) New Hero : [Dark] Solphi: ★4 Guardian

- [D] Solphi appears in the Chronicle.
- Victory at the 50th floor of the Obelisk is required to recruit [D] Solphi. When this requirement is fulfilled, players will be able to recruit [D] Solphi at the Chronicle by using 1,000,000 Renown.
- Comment of [D] Solphi will be added in the Archives.
“Determining the research budget is difficult, as each person's research proposal would greatly benefit Avillon. Lady Solphi's proposal is particularly noteworthy. Sir Rashad's is... less realistic.” - Anonymous
■ Shop Adjustments - New Packages (Paid)
1) Hero Package: [L] Alev (Sniper) on Sale

- Period: After maintenance on Feb 22 ~ Apr 30, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Content: [Light] Alev (Sniper)
- Price: USD 26.99
- Immediately get 100 of ‘Elixir of Insight’ upon recruitment.
Please note:
- The package is effective immediately upon purchasing and it is not refundable.
- The price is based on Google Play Store.
- The contents are subject to resale or change after the termination of sales.
- Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
- You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
- If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
2) Hero Gift Package: [Light] Alev Gift Package

- Period: After maintenance on Feb 22 ~ Apr 30, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Content: Hero Gift Package
- Price: USD 8.99
- This package is available only after purchasing [L] Alev Hero Package
- Purchase available up to 3 times. Special Accessories will be given when this package is purchased 3 times.

- Accessory Option: Attack +3% / Health +3% / Critical Hit Rate +3%
※ [Vicious Arcanist Hamster Doll] can’t be obtained by Costume or Accessory Crafting.
3) Recruitment Story for [F] Rosanna will be added
- The recruitment story will be added to the [F] Rosanna Special Package, located at the Shop.

■ Alchemy Adjustments
1) Alchemy - [L] Alev (Sniper) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Feb 22 ~ Apr 30, 14:59 (UTC+0)
2) Alchemy - [D] Solphi (Guardian) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Feb 22 ~ Apr 30, 14:59 (UTC+0)
3) Alchemy - [F] Vanessa (Cleric) artifacts will be added
- Period: Feb 28 15:00 ~ Apr 30, 14:59 (UTC+0)
4) Alchemy - [E] Mikhail (Striker) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Feb 22 ~ Apr 30, 14:59 (UTC+0)
■ Avillon Foundation Day Celebration : 14 Day Login Event
- Event Period: Feb 22, 12:00 ~ Mar 9, 23:59 (LOCAL)
- Login for 14 days during the event period, and recruit [E] Mikhail on the very last day of attendance!
- Avillon Foundation Day Login Event calendar will be automatically activated on the initial daily login.
- The calendar will remain for 21 days after the initial activation.
- Players must log in for 14 days out of 21 days to receive all rewards.

※ The players who have already recruited [E] Mikhail from [1 Year Anniversary Attendance Rewards], 1,000 Crystals will be given as a substitution for a 14th-day reward, [E] Mikhail.
※ Please note that ‘Nostalgic Silver Ponytail’ & ‘Nostalgic Black Ponytail’ are exclusive accessories for Mikhail, which cannot be equipped with other Heroes.
※ The LOCAL time is your location(country) time, which was set when you created your account.
※ If you close the app after the date is changed without any action in the lobby, the login calendar will not be checked.
※ Event calendar can be found at the top right corner screen in the lobby.
■ Create Accessory Wish List will be added
- Create Accessory Wish List will be added at Boutique during the event period.
- Period: After maintenance on Feb 22 ~ Mar 8, 14:59 (UTC+0)
* Accessory Wish List can be created 10 limited times during the event period.
[Create Accessory Wish List]
- After selecting three Heroes on the Wish List, players can craft 5 Accessories by spending 120 Temporal Threads
-With the Accessory Wish List, players can obtain at least 1 Artifacts-grade accessory of one of the three Heroes on the Wish List for 100%
- Next 4 accessories will appear within equal probability from all accessories
- The specific probability rate of obtainable Artifacts-grade will be provided at ‘Rates’ after selecting all three Heroes on the Wish List
■ Avillon Event Updates
1. Daily Event
1) Paid to Upgrade
- Event Period : Feb 24, 15:00 ~ Feb 27, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Get rewards everyday for upgrading your equipment!

2. Term Event
1) Calamity’s Bane
- Event Period : Feb 27, 15:00 ~ Mar 12, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Join the Raid battles during the event period and get rewards!

■ 28 Days Journey - New Emoticons added: ‘Lord’, ‘Cannae’

- The 28-Day Journey attendance book will be activated once you’ve completed the 10th Hero Contract.
- Once you’ve completed the 28th-day attendance, you will be able to claim a Random Emoticon Box.
- Players are able to use the obtained emotions in chats.
- Players are able to randomly obtain one emoticon out of the unobtained ones.
■ Other Adjustment and Bugfixes
- Fixing an issue where 40F Boss of the Obelisk [L] Vanessa’s ‘Blitz’ skill description is not appearing correctly.
- Fixing an issue where at the Silent Straits, [W] Baretta's single-target burst skill targets Sea God's Spawn instead of the Sea God.