Greetings, Lords around the world!
This is GM Isola.
Please check the update details for October 27th.
- We will announce the fixed date via further notice.
- Please be aware that you cannot play the game during maintenance.
- The update details shared below are subject to change during the course of the maintenance.
■ New System : ‘Subscription’ will be added
- A new system, 'Subscription' will be available after the maintenance on October 27th.
- The Subscription system will support the player's journey in Lord of Heroes with various convenience features and benefits.
1. ‘Increased Battle Speed’ will be added
- A new ‘Increased Battle Speed’ feature will be available during the battle. This feature will increase the speed of battle animation much faster than before.
- The 'Increased Battle Speed' can be turned on/off by pressing the button on the bottom-left of the battle screen.

※ If you turn on the [Increased Battle Speed], it will stay on in the other stages until you turn off the feature.
2. ‘Quick Battle’ will be added
- ‘Quick Battle’, a new feature that allows players to clear the stages without any battle progress, will be available after the maintenance on October 27th.
- ‘Quick Battle’ will only be available on the stages that players already have cleared at least once with all three stars (★★★).
- Players can proceed to ‘Quick Battle’ on the [Auto-Repeat] menu during the battle-ready phase.

- By pressing the [Quick Battle] button, players will immediately receive the result of the battle, including the items/exp earned.

■ Improvements & Adjustments in Convenience Features
1. There will be improvements in certain in-game animations & features.
- There will be an improvement with Cannae’s [Equipment Upgrade] animation to upgrade equipment much faster.
- There will be an improvement on the [Sort & Filter] setting in the [Inventory] to remember the last filter setting applied before the player closes the [Inventory] window.
- There will be an improvement in [Mail] that will allow players to skip the Reward Chest animation by double tapping the screen.
2. There will be new functions added to the existing features.
- A new function will be added in [Dispatch] that will allow players to dispatch the expedition on the same region & the same heroes once again.
- A new function will be added in [Dispatch], allowing players to [Entrust] their political decision reward.

- A new ‘Auto Progress’ feature will be added in Primeval Halls/Dakkeon Mercenary Training. With the new feature, players can starts the next stage when the current stage is completed. Auto Progress will stop when being defeated in a battle.
- A new function will be added in the battle-ready phase that will allow players to turn ON/OFF the list of support heroes will be available.
■ Adjustment in the Chat System
1. A new exclusive channel for new players, ‘Novice’ will be added.
- An exclusive channel for new players in Lord of Heroes, ‘Novice’ will be available on the top tab list of the Chat system.

- The players who create a new account will automatically setted to Novice Channel. If players wish to move on to a different channel, they can select other channel tabs on top of the window.
※ After clearing [Normal] Gallus Empire (East) 8-16, players will automatically enter the ‘General’ channel.
2. Advertising Alliance & Wishing for Alliance Invitation features will be added
1) Advertising Alliance
- A new feature will be added in the [Chat] system, which allows players to advertise their current Alliance.

- The [Advertising Alliance] feature will be available to use through the button on the bottom right side of the chat window.
2) Receive an Invite
- A new feature will be added in the [Chat] system, which allows players to request to receive an Alliance invitation.

- The [Receive Invite] feature will be available to use through the button on the bottom right side of the chat window.
■ Adjustments in the Obelisk
1. New Obelisk Season : Season 10
- Period: Oct 31, 15:00 ~ Until further notice
2. Replacement of Bosses & Adjustments in Challenge Missions
- The information on Obelisk bosses & Challenge Missions at each stage will change.
- As Challenge Missions change, some of the rewards from Challenge Mission will also change.
■ Adjustments in the Alchemy
1. Alchemy - [F] Lyn (Sniper) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Dec 1, 02:59 (UTC+0)
2. Alchemy - [F] Mikhail (Striker) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Jan 1, 2023, 02:59 (UTC+0)
3. Alchemy - [L] Alev (Sniper) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Jan 1, 2023, 02:59 (UTC+0)
4. Alchemy - [L] Vanessa (Cleric) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Jan 1, 2023, 02:59 (UTC+0)
■ New Hero will be added
1. New Hero : [Fire] Mikhail ★4 Striker

- [F] Mikhail appears in the Chronicle.
- Recruit [F] Mikhail by purchasing Hero Recruitment Package in the Shop.
- Comments of [F] Mikhail will be added to the Archives.
“Everyone has their own way of overcoming difficulties. Does it really matter how you did it as long as you made it to the other side?” - Anonymous
2. New Hero : [Fire] Lyn ★5 Sniper

- [F] Lyn appears in the Chronicle.
- Recruit [F] Lyn at the ‘Featured Summon: Mystic Awakener’.
- Comments of [F] Lyn will be added to the Archives.
“Heh... I can't forget that one time we went on a ruins expedition just to fall victim to all sorts of traps and monsters... Only Lyn could enjoy such a troublesome place. Just what kind of life has she lived...?” - Anonymous
■ New Summon : ‘Mystic Awakener’

1) Summon Period : After the maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Dec 1, 02:59 (UTC+0)
2) Details: Players can summon certain 5★ Heroes & Relics with designated probability.
▶ Recruitable Heroes: 5★[F] Lyn, 5★[F] Lairei, 5★[F] Alev, 5★[F] Krom, 5★[F] Lumie, 5★[F] Nine, 5★[W] Krom, 5★[W] Walther, 5★[W] Lucilicca, 5★[W] Lumie, 5★[W] Baretta, 5★[E] Walther, 5★[E] Lairei, 5★[E] Alev, 5★[E] Solphi, 5★[E] Lucilicca
▶ Summonable Relics: [F] Lyn, [F] Lairei, [F] Alev, [F] Krom, [F] Lumie, [F] Nine, [W] Krom, [W] Walther, [W] Lucilicca, [W] Lumie, [W] Baretta, [E] Walther, [E] Lairei, [E] Alev, [E] Solphi, [E] Lucilicca
3) Please Note
※ Summoning Period can be subjected to change and will be noticed through further notice.
※ ‘Mystic Awakener’ Summon is categorized as <Featured Summons> and will be separate from other types of Summons, thus their totals do not overlap or count toward each other.
※ If players possess ‘Featured Summon Tickets’, Tickets will be used prior to other items. However, if the number of possessed tickets is less than the number of summons they wish to proceed with, Link stones will be used to proceed with the summon.
※ Any Relics & Heroes that are summonable from the ‘Mystic Awakener’ can be summoned from another summons in the future.
※ If Players have not recruited the 5★[F] Lyn within 89 summons, then players are guaranteed to recruit the 5★[F] Lyn on the series of summons that includes their 90th.
※ If Players recruited the 5★[F] Lyn before their 90th summon, the accumulated number of summons will be reset to 0.
■ New Costume will be added
1. Costume: Midnight Edition - Alev will be added

- Sales Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Jan 1, 2023, 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Alev’s [Midnight Edition] will be released at Boutique / Designer’s Closet
- Midnight Edition is a costume item that changes Heroes’ appearance overall.
- Costume’s grades are divided into Normal and Limited Edition
- Players are able to purchase the Normal version at [Boutique] and the Limited version at [Designer’s Closet].
- The Limited version of the costumes are more special in terms of color
[Midnight Edition : Inquisitor of the Darkmoon]

2. New Exclusive Accessories: 1 for Lyn
- 1 exclusive accessory will be added for Lyn.
- The obtained accessories and outfits can be found in the Heroes > Outfits tab (hanger icon on the right side)
- Accessories are for decoration which transforms the Heroes’ appearance partially.
- Accessories will be added for the Costume and Accessory crafting.
- The obtaining rate has been updated due to the addition of the new accessories.
■ Shop Adjustments - New Packages (Paid)
1. Hero Package: [F] Mikhail (Striker) will be on Sale
1) Hero Package: [F] Mikhail (Striker)

- Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Jan 1, 2023, 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Content: [Fire] Mikhail (Striker)
- Price: USD 22.99
- Immediately get 100 of ‘Elixir of Insight’ upon recruitment.
Please note:
※ The package is effective immediately upon purchase and it is not refundable.
※ The price is based on Google Play Store.
※ The contents are subject to resale or change after the termination of sales.
※ Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
※ You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
※ If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
※ Restoration will be unavailable over any items not retrieved from the mail within designated days
2) Hero Gift Package: [Fire] Mikhail Gift Package

- Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Jan 1, 2023, 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Content: Hero Gift Package for Mikhail
- Price: USD 7.99
- This package is available only after purchasing [F] Mikhail Hero Package
- Purchase available up to 3 times. Special Accessories will be given when this package is purchased 3 times.

- Accessory Option: Attack +3% / Critical Hit Rate +3% / Speed +5
※ [Noisy but Precise Drone] can’t be obtained by Costume or Accessory Crafting.
2. Hero Package: [L] Alev (Sniper) will be Back on Sale
1) Hero Package: [L] Alev (Sniper)

- Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Jan 1, 2023, 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Content: [Light] Alev (Sniper)
- Price: USD 22.99
- Immediately get 100 of ‘Elixir of Insight’ upon recruitment.
Please note:
※ The package is effective immediately upon purchase and it is not refundable.
※ The price is based on Google Play Store.
※ The contents are subject to resale or change after the termination of sales.
※ Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
※ You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
※ If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
※ Restoration will be unavailable over any items not retrieved from the mail within designated days
2) Hero Gift Package: [Light] Alev Gift Package

- Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Jan 1, 2023, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Content: Hero Gift Package for Alev
- Price: USD 7.99
- This package is available only after purchasing [L] Alev Hero Package
- Purchase available up to 3 times. Special Accessories will be given when this package is purchased 3 times.

- Accessory Option: Attack +3% / Health +3% / Critical Hit Rate +3%
※ [Vicious Arcanist Hamster Doll] can’t be obtained by Costume or Accessory Crafting.
3. Hero Package: [L] Vanessa (Cleric) will be Back on Sale

- Content: [Light] Vanessa (Cleric)
- Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Jan 1, 2023, 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Price: USD 37.99
- Immediately get 1,500 Crystals upon recruitment.
Please note:
※ The package is effective immediately upon purchase and it is not refundable.
※ The price is based on Google Play Store.
※ The contents are subject to resale or change after the termination of sales.
※ Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
※ You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
※ If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
※ Restoration will be unavailable over any items not retrieved from the mail within designated days
4. Subscription :「Administrator Rouin」will be on Sale

- Content: 「Administrator Rouin」
- Period: After maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Until further notice
- Price: USD 4.99/per month & USD 24.99/per 6 month
- Subscription Benefit: Players will be available with the below benefits during the subscription period.
▶ Faster and faster! Activate the Increased Battle Speed feature!

▶ Not satisfied with the current number of Auto-Repeat? Now get an extra 30 Auto-Repeat!

▶ Just one click, and it's done! Activate the Quick Battle! (Max of 30 times/per day)

▶ It's time to get dressed up! Appearance Customization will be available! (Max 3 times/per month)

▶ Ready for Alchemy? Get 10 free Alchemy Tickets! (Streak Benefit)
※ Since Alchemy Ticket is a streak benefit of the subscription, it will not be given on the first purchase of the subscription. A streak benefit will be given out starting on the second transaction of the subscription.
(Subscriptions must be renewed continuously from the previous month to receive the streak benefit. Any subscription signed up after more than three days pass from the expiring date will be considered a new subscription.)
※ Players will only be given with streak benefit if they log in to the Lord of Heroes during the specified month of the subscription.
[Please Note!]
※ ‘Administrator Rouin’ is a monthly plan subscription. Players will receive a free 3-day trial upon purchasing a 1-month plan. After the free 3-day trial, the subscription will automatically be charged to your App Store/Google Playstore payment method.
※ A free 3-day trial is only available with a 1-month plan and not with a 6-month plan. Players can subscribe to the ‘Administrator Rouin’ cheaper with a 6-month plan.
※ If you wish to cancel your subscription, you must cancel your subscription through the App Store/Google Playstore. If a subscription is not canceled 24 hours before the last day of the current subscription period, the subscription will automatically be charged and renewed for a new period.
※ If you do not cancel your subscription, the subscription will automatically be charged in the last 24 hours of the current subscription period. Subscriptions renew automatically unless you unsubscribe.
※ Subscriptions effect immediately upon purchasing and it is not refundable. Please read all details carefully before you purchase. After payment, you will be only eligible to unsubscribe/cancel your payment for the next renewal.
※ The price is based on Google Play Store.
※ The contents are subject to resale or change after the termination of sales.
※ Any items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the Subscription can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
※ If Subscription benefits are not affected after the purchase, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
※ You can subscribe with one game account per store account. Benefits will not be duplicated even if you subscribe to both App Store/Google Playstore.
※ Details for ‘Administrator Rouin’ and ‘Subscription Service’ are available with the links below.
■ Avillon Event Updates
1. Daily Events
1) Paid to Upgrade
- Event Period: Nov 3, 15:00 ~ Nov 6, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Get rewards every day for upgrading your equipment!

2) Ad Gifts
- Event Period: Oct 31, 15:00 ~ Nov 30, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Rewards will be given depending on the number of ads watched!

2. Term Event
1) Tome of Calamity
- Event Period: Oct 30, 15:00 ~ Nov 13, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Trigger Stagger on a monster of each element 2 times or more and get rewards!

2) Avillon Ambassador
- Event Period: After the maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Nov 10, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Dispatch Heroes every day and get rewards!

3) Daily Battle Training
- Event Period: After the maintenance on Oct 27 ~ Nov 7, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Rewards are available upon the number of times played through story stages, Primeval Halls, Raid, Obelisk, Coliseum, Unity Plaza Friendly Match!

4) Obelisk Ascension
- Event Period: Oct 27, 15:00 ~ Oct 30, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Various rewards will be available depending upon the number of Obelisks played!

■ Other Adjustment and Bugfixes
1. A total of 38 character voices for Lyn will be added.
- 7 for [E] Lyn, 31 for [F] Lyn
2. A total of 38 character voices for Mikhail will be added.
- 38 for [F] Mikhail
3. We will be fixing an issue where some in-game packages on Android Devices (AOS) are displaying prices inconsistent with the 'Changes in In-App Purchase Prices' notice. (European Regions Only)