Greetings, Lords around the world!
This is GM Isola.
Please check the update details for August 25th.
- We will announce the fixed date via further notice.
- Please be aware that you cannot play the game during maintenance.
- The update details shared below are subject to change during the course of the maintenance.
■ New Class : ‘Commander’ will be added
- The sixth class of the Lord of Heroes, ‘Commander’ will be added after the maintenance on Aug 25th.
1. New Class : Commander
1) About Commander Class
- When Commander Hero is in the party, they can take on the role of Monarch and command battle & change the battle formation.
2) Exclusive Skills
- Heroes with the Commander Class have one additional skill called Command Skill, which is different from the other Heroes, who have three attack skills and two passive skills.
◈ What are Command Skills?
: Command Skills are special skills that only activate in specific content. Each commander has their own specialization.

2. New items for Commander Class will be added
- Two new items, 'Commander Rune' and 'Commander Agate' that needs to ascend & promote Commander Class Heroes, will be added.
※ New items will be obtainable from Primeval Hall, Mystic Merchant, War of the Tyrants, Story Stages, Paid Packages, and various contents.
■ New Equipment and Set Effect will be added
- 2 Exclusive Artifact Sets for Commander class, [Command] and [Charge] will be added.
1. [Command] Deliverer’s Set

[ 2 Set Effect ]
- Boosts Burst Gauge limit by 1 (Max. Boost : 3)
[ How to Obtain? ]
- ‘Command’ Set only appears as ★6 Artifacts, and can be obtained from the [Alchemy].
2. [Charge] Conqueror’s Set

[ 4 Set Effects ]
- Taking damage from AoE attacks boosts the action gauges of all allies by 15%
※ Even if another Hero in the same party has equipped the same Artifact Set, only one Set Effect will apply.
(Ex: If two Heroes equipped 4 piece of [Charge] Conqueror’s Artifact, action gauges only boosts 15%.)
[ How to Obtain? ]
- ‘Charge’ Set only appears as ★6 Artifacts, and can be obtained from the [Alchemy].
■ Archives - New Comments will be added
- New Archives comments for following Heroes will be added.
* Comments for Heroes can be found at [Archives > Heroes].
- [W] Rosanna / [E] Alev / [D] Aslan

■ War of the Tyrants Part II <Book of Strife> : Restore Schedule
- Two new chapters for War of the Tyrants Part II <Book of Strife> will be added
- Chapters 8 through 10 will be restored on the following scheduled date.
◈ War of the Tyrants PART II <Book of Strife> Restoration Schedule
- Chapter 5 : Restoration Completed on Jul 28th!
- Chapter 6 :Restoration Completed on Aug 4th!
- Chapter 7 : Restoration Completed on Aug 11th!
- Chapter 8 ~ 10 : After the maintenance on September 6th
- Chapter 11 ~ 12 : Coming Soon (New)
※ Restoration Schedule for Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 will be announced with separate announcement in the future.
※ All Records of History flow chronologically within the context of 'War of the Tyrants', so players must complete each record in accordance with its timeline.
※ Chapter 8 ~ 10 will be available in Korean/Japanese/English at first, translation for other languages will be applied sequentially through future updates.
■ Adjustment in the Alchemarket
1. ‘Storage Period’ system will be added to the Alchemarket.
- After the maintenance on Aug 25th, any items/currencies from all Alchemarket transactions will have a leftover storage period shown on the transaction list.
- Players will have 30 days to receive the item from each transaction after the transaction is over.
◈ Storage Period of items in the Alchemarket
* Before Adjustment: Unlimited period of time
* After Adjustment: 30 Days
(All items/currencies must be received within 30 days after the transaction.)
2. Certain items from the ended transaction will be limited to receive after the maintenance on Aug 25th.
- After the maintenance on Aug 25th, status of items stored at the Alchemarket more than 30 days after the transaction will turn ‘Expired’, and will be limited to retrieve the items any longer.
◈ Advance Notice over Expiring Items in the Alchemarket
* Subjected Items: Any items/currencies that were not received from the Alchemarket more than 30 days from the transaction date.
* Receivable Period: ~ Until Aug 25th 03:00 (UTC+0)
※ This only effects on the item that were stored more than 30 days.
※ However, if you have any leftover items stored in the Alchemarket that are not sure when the transaction ended, we highly recommend receiving the items from the Alchemarket before the Aug 25th.
※ Items not received from Alchemarket within the announced period will not be available for restoration.
■ Adjustments in the Alchemy
1. Alchemy - [W] Rosanna (Commander) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Oct 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
2. Alchemy - [D] Aslan (Commander) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Oct 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
■ New Costume will be added
1. Costume: Summer Collection - Rosanna will be added

- Sales Period: After maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Oct 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Rosanna’s [2022 Summer Collection] will be released at Boutique / Designer’s Closet
- Summer Collection is a costume item that changes Heroes’ appearance overall.
- Costume’s grades are divided into Normal and Limited Edition
- Players are able to purchase Normal version at [Boutique] and Limited version at [Designer’s Closet].
- The Limited version of the costumes are more special in terms of color.
[Summer Collection: Isolan Red Summer Dress]

■ New Hero will be added
1. New Hero : [Water] Rosanna ★5 Commander

- [W] Rosanna appears in the Chronicle.
- Recruit [W] Rosanna by purchasing Hero Recruitment Package in the Shop.
2.New Hero : [Dark] Aslan ★5 Commander

- [D] Aslan appears in the Chronicle.
- Recruit [D] Aslan at the Chronicle by using Renowns.
■ Shop Adjustments - New Packages (Paid)
1. Hero Package: [W] Rosanna (Commander) will be on Sale

- Content: [Water] Rosanna (Commander)
- Period: After maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Oct 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Price: USD 44.99
- Immediately get 1,500 of ‘Crystal’ upon recruitment.
- Various rewards will be given upon reaching certain levels of the Hero, including a unique exclusive accessory.

◈ Accessory Option: Health +3% / Defense +3% / Resistance +3%
※ [Messenger of a Friend] cannot be obtained by Costume or Accessory Crafting.
Please note:
※ The package is effective immediately upon purchasing and it is not refundable.
※ The price is based on Google Play Store.
※ The contents are subject to resale or change after the termination of sales.
※ Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
※ You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
※ If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
※ Restoration will be unavailable over any items not retrieved from the mail within designated days.
2. New Ascension Pack will be on Sale
- A new Ascension Pack for the ‘Commander’ class that contains various items needed to ascend Commander Heroes will be added to [Shop].

- Content: Commander Ascension Pack
- Period: After maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Until Further Notice
- Price: USD 44.99
Please note:
※ The package is effective immediately upon purchasing and it is not refundable.
※ The price is based on Google Play Store.
※ The contents are subject to resale or change after the termination of sales.
※ Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
※ You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
※ If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
※ Restoration will be unavailable over any items not retrieved from the mail within designated days.
3. Adjustments in the ‘Triple Selection Pack’
- ‘Commander Agate’ will be added to [Triple Selection Pack].
- Purchase limit of [Triple Selection Pack] will be changed from 3 to 10 per a month.

- Period: After maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Until Further Notice
- Price: USD 8.99
- Purchase Limit: 10 time per a month
Please note:
※ The price is based on Google Play Store.
※ The contents of package and sales period are subject to change. When such changes happens, separate announcement will be published on the official blog.
※ Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
※ You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
※ If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
※ Purchase limit of the [Triple Selection Pack] are subject to change. When such changes happens, separate announcement will be published on the official blog.
※ Restoration will be unavailable over any items not retrieved from the mail within designated days.
4. Special Sales on the Skill Upgrade Packs
- During the event sale period, players can purchase Skill Upgrade Pack I, II, and III at a special price.

- Period: After maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Oct 1, 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Purchase Limit: Varies on each package. Please note the attached image above for details
Please note:
※ The price is based on Google Play Store.
※ Players must purchase prior packages in order to purchase the next number of Skill Upgrade Pack.
※ Event Packages will not share purchase limit with packages that were on sale previously.
※ Packages with regular price will not be on sale during the event sale period. Regular priced packages will be back on sale after event sale period end.
※ The event sales period are subject to change. When such changes happens, separate announcement will be published on the official blog.
※ Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
※ You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
※ If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
※ Restoration will be unavailable over any items not retrieved from the mail within designated days.
■ New Exclusive Relics for Rosanna will be added
- During the event period, exclusive Relics for Rosanna will be added to the ‘Names of Legends’ Summon.

1. Event Summon Period: After the maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Sep 25, 03:00 (UTC+0)
2. Event Summon Details: During the event period, event summon Relics will appear with designated probability. Summon probability of the Event Summon Relics will be greater than other Relics with the same grade.
▶ Event Summon Relics: [F] Rosanna / [W] Rosanna / [D] Rosanna
▶ Summonable Relics: [F] Fram / [W] Fram / [L] Fram / [F] Johan / [W] Johan / [L] Johan / [D] Mikhail / [E] Mikhail / [E] Charlotte / [D] Charlotte / [W] Charlotte / [E] Schneider / [D] Schneider / [F] Schneider / [W] Schneider / [L] Syphfride / [F] Lairei / [E] Lairei / [F] Krom / [W] Krom / [F] Lumie / [W] Lumie / [F] Nine / [W] Walther / [E] Walther / [W] Lucilicca / [E] Lucilicca / [W] Baretta / [F] Alev / [E] Alev / [E] Solphi / [F] Rosanna / [W] Rosanna / [D] Rosanna
3. Please Note
※ Summoning Period can be subjected to change and will be noticed through further notice.
※ ‘Names of Legends’ is categorized as <All-time Summon>, a summon that will not count the number of proceeded summons.
※ As ‘Names of Legends’ is a different type of Summon from the other types, their totals do not overlap or count toward each other.
※ ‘Names of Legends’ is a Summon that only summons Relics, and will not summon any Heroes.
※ Relics that has been added most recently, will have a higher summon rate than other Relics.
※ Summon rates of ‘Names of Legends’ can be found at [Summon > Names of Legends > Rate%].
※ Event Summon Relics will be unavailable to summon after the event period, until event begins again.
※ Event Summon Relics may be summoned from other summons, events, or packages in the future.
■ Hero Recruitment Event
- During the event period, the amount of items needed to recruit certain Heroes will decrease.
1. [D] Aslan (Commander) Recruitment Event

- Event Hero: [Dark] Aslan (Commander)
- Event Period: After the maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Sep 6, 03:00 (UTC+0)
- Event Details: A 30% discount will be held on the amount of Renown needed to recruit [D] during the event period.
※ Items/Currencies used to recruit Heroes will be unavailable to restore.
※ After the event period, items/currencies needed to recruit event Heroes will change back to before.
※ Event Hero may be available to recruit from other events in the future.
※ Event Heroes are subject to change when the event is back in future.
■ Avillon Event Updates
1. Daily Events
1) Paid to Upgrade
- Event Period: Aug 25, 15:00 ~ Aug 28, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Get rewards everyday for upgrading your equipment!

2) Conquer the Silence!
- Event Period: After the maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Sep 8, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Battle against the Sea God in the Silent Straits and get various rewards!

3) Ad Gifts
- Event Period: Aug 31, 15:00 ~ Sep 30, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Rewards will be given depending on the number of ads watched!

4) Energetic Efforts
- Event Period: Aug 28, 15:00 ~ Sep 12, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Rewards will be available depending on the amount of energy consumed!

2. Term Events
1) Obelisk Ascension
- Event Period: Sep 1, 15:00 ~ Sep 4, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Various rewards will be available depends upon the number of Obelisk played!

■ Other Adjustment and Bugfixes
1. Total 107 new voice script for Rosanna will be added.
- 43 for [W] Rosanna / 32 for [F] Rosanna / 32 for [D] Rosanna
2. New voice scripts for Commander Class will be added.
3. The boss of ‘Hall of Experience’ will be changed to [Dark] Aslan from [Water] Johan.

4. The boss of ‘Hall of Treasure’ will be changed to [Water] Rosanna from [Dark] Astrid.

5. Inventory > Equipment space will be extended.
* Before: 700 → After: 800
6. Costume storage space will be extended.
* Before: 100 → After: 300
7. In the Mystic Merchant, Commander Agate's probability of appearance will increase during the designated period.
- Period: After the maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Oct 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
■ New Coupons for Google Play Points
- Starting after the maintenance on Aug 25, 2022 ~ until Feb 21, 2023, new coupons will be available to exchange from the Google Play Points.
- Exchange your Google Play Points and get coupons for limited time!

※ Google Play Points coupons will be available from Google Play Store.
※ Paid packages purchased with Google Play Points may not be refundable.
※ Please contact Google Play customer service for issues regarding on Google Play Points.
※ Google Play Points event only applies to Google Play Store.