[Winner Announcement] #Merigora_Challenge!: Draw Merigora face!

Greetings, Lords around the world!
This is GM Lunaris.

[Event] #Merigora_Challenge!: Draw Merigora face!
Draw a face to Merigora! I’ll be giving a special holiday present to 50 selected players!

Thanks to all who've participated in the challenge and created cool artwork! The event ended successfully and 100,000 Renown will be sent to the 50 winners of the event. Please check the inbox after the maintenance.

Plus, I will be introducing 5 selected images of Merigora so everybody must check below!

😎Fancy-looking Merigora by MMGNRDWP3G64F6RQ

Duke's daughter somehow returned as Merigora?

🤔 How I remember Merigora by G68KWK19NG8DFDKQ

I remember I used a sword to make Merigora fall asleep!

😍 The Cutest Merigora by YP4M9JJ8YYRMSGPL

I put the hats on for both who have some things on the head.

😱The scariest Merigora by 3649K3ZW41PDCY1Q

Lords.. Are Fun!!

😴Sleepy-looking Merigora by NZ939M31NZXYA7YL