Greetings, Lords around the world!
This is GM Isola.
Please check the update details for December 16th.
- We will announce the fixed date via further notice.
- Please be aware that you cannot play the game during maintenance.
- The update details shared below are subject to change during the course of the maintenance.
■ Balance Updates : Heroes
1) Listed Heroes below will be rebalanced.
- [F] Fram, [F] Lairei, [W] Lyn, [W] Baretta, [F] Baretta, [E] Solphi, [L] Solphi, [L] Vanessa, [D] Helga

2) The skill logic of some heroes for the automated battle system will be changed.
- [D] Joshua’s ‘Pendulum Kinesis’ skill will be changed, which will let the buffs be affected to himself as well.
- [E] Lumie’s ‘Frost Strike’ skill will be changed, which will let the buffs be affected to himself as well.
- [E] Lumie’s ‘Glacial Rush’ skill will be changed, which will let the buffs be affected to himself as well.
■ New Contents : Holiday Party! Merigora has appeared! 🐑
- New event dungeon will be added to celebrate the holiday season.
- During the event period, players can enjoy the Citadel decorated with the holiday decorations all day long.
- To celebrate the holiday with other players, [Holiday Party Room] will be added at the Unity Plaza with holiday decorations. Players will be able to meet Merigora at the Unity Plaza as well.
* Players can enjoy the holiday decorations and Holiday Party Room at the Unity Plaza until maintenance on January 4th. (added on Dec 16, 04:10)
- Party Period: Dec 22, 15:00 ~ Jan 5, 2022, 14:59:59 (UTC+0) (edited)
- Special Shop Period : Dec 22, 15:00 ~ Jan 7, 2022, 14:59:59 (UTC+0)

[ How to enjoy the Holiday Party ]
1) NPC Hughie will appear at the Citadel during the event period.
You may enter the Holiday Party by clicking Hughie.

2) Press the 'Start’ button to move to the Hero Formation screen, then select Heroes for Party Formation.

★ What is the Party Formation?
- Five random Heroes from twelve dispatch heroes of Party Formation will be selected to battle against the Merigora. Selected Heroes will only use the Normal, and Active skill to proceed the battle quickly.
3) Press ‘Enter’ to enter the dungeon. Party ticket will be used when the player enters the dungeon, and Party ticket will be replenished every designated time period.

4) Battle will end when the player does not have any leftover turn OR all five heroes become fallen.
※ The Major goal is to give as much damage as possible before battle reach the certain turn, because as turn passed by, Merigora will give up on the battle and escape from the battle.

5) Merigora grows bigger as it takes more damage! Collect Memory shards from battle against Merigora, and exchange it at the Special Shop for various items!
[ Elements of Merigora ]
- Depending on the player’s local time, different elements of Merigora will appear every day during the event period!
◈ Monday : [Dark]
◈ Tuesday : [Fire]
◈ Wednesday : [Water]
◈ Thursday : [Earth]
◈ Friday : [Light]
◈ Saturday & Sunday : Merigora’s element will change every hour.
[ Event Rewards ]

[ Special Shop Item List ]
- Special Shop Period : Dec 22, 15:00 ~ Jan 7, 2022, 14:59:59 (UTC+0)
- Vanessa, Joshua, Olivia, and Astrid’s accessories will be available at the Special Shop.

[ Please Note! ]
- Party Tickets, which is the entrance ticket of ‘Party Time!’ will disappear when ‘Party Time!’ is over.
- Please use all the Party Tickets before Party Time! is over.
- Maximum of 9 Party Tickets can be automatically replenished when a player has less than 9 Party Ticket at the moment, and the Party Ticket will not be replenished if the player has more than 9 Party Ticket.
- Party Tickets can be purchased at the Special Shop using the Memory Shard, and the purchased Party Tickets will be charged immediately after purchase.
■ New Costume & Accessories added
1) New Costume : Evening Edition - Olivia

- Sales Period: After maintenance on Dec 16 ~ 2022, Feb 14, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Olivia’s [Evening Edition] will be released at Boutique / Designer’s Closet
- Evening Edition is a costume item that changes Heroes’ appearance overall.
- Costume’s grades are divided into Normal and Limited Edition
- Players are able to purchase Normal Edition at [Boutique] and Limited Edition at [Designer’s Closet]
- The Limited Edition costumes are more special in terms of color.
[Evening Edition: Olivia - Protector of the Night ]

■ New Hero & Archives Comment Updated!
1) New Hero : [Light] Fram ★4 Striker [Click]
- [L] Fram appears in the Chronicle.
- Recruit [L] Fram by purchasing Hero Recruitment Package in the Shop.
- Comment of [L] Fram will be added in the Archives.
“It's nice that she tries to take care of others, but as a fellow knight, I think we could become closer if she weren't so formal... Still, I'm glad to have someone who feels like a sister, hee hee!” - by Anonymous
2) New Archives Comment for [Fire] Fram will be added
“Before she came to Avillon, we once met on the battlefield. She promised to one day continue the fight that we couldn't finish then... She had a big grin on her face at the time, just like now.” - by Anonymous
■ Shop Adjustments - New Packages (Paid)
1) Hero Package: [L] Fram (Striker) on Sale

- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ 2022, Feb 14, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Content: [Light] Fram (Striker)
- Price: USD 26.99
- Immediately get 100 of ‘Elixir of Insight’ upon recruitment.
Please note:
- The package is effective immediately upon purchasing and it is not refundable.
- The price is based on Google Play Store.
- The contents are subject to resale or change after the termination of sales.
- Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
- You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
- If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
2) Hero Gift Package: [Light] Fram Gift Package

- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ 2022, Feb 14, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Content: Hero Gift Package
- Price: USD 8.99
- This package is available only after purchasing [L] Fram Hero Package
- Purchase available up to 3 times. Special Accessories will be given when this package is purchased 3 times.

- Accessory Option: Attack +3% / Health +3% / Critical Hit Rate +3%
※ [Childhood Friend] cannot be obtained by Costume or Accessory Crafting
3) Hero Package: [F] Baretta (Striker) is Back on Sale!

- Content: [Fire] Baretta (Striker)
- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ 2022, Feb 14, 14:59(UTC+0)
- Price: USD 46.99
Please note:
- The package is effective immediately upon purchasing and it is not refundable.
- The price is based on Google Play Store.
- The contents are subject to resale or change after the termination of sales.
- Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
- You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
- If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
4) Special Packages for ‘Holiday in 2021’ on Sale
- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ Jan 4, 2021, 14:59 (UTC+0)
* Sales period of Holiday package has been changed (added Dec 16, 04:10)
- Special Packages, including 1 free package are available during the sales period mentioned above.
- A Special illustration will be unlocked sequentially upon purchasing.
※ Players must purchase prior steps of the packages in order to purchase the next step of Special Packages.

■ New Equipment and Set Effect added
- ‘Ondal’ which is the new exclusive equipment for the ‘Warrior’ class, with the new set effect [Vengeful] will be released.
[ 4 Set Effect ]
- 100% chance to counterattack upon taking damage that is more than 25% of max health.
[ How to obtain? ]
- ‘Ondal’ only appears as ★6 Artifacts, and can be obtained from the [Alchemy].
■ Alchemy Adjustments
1) Alchemy - [L] Fram (Striker) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ Feb 14, 2022, 14:59(UTC+0)
2) Alchemy - [F] Baretta (Striker) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ Feb 14, 2022, 14:59(UTC+0)
3) Alchemy - [F] Joshua (Striker) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ Feb 14, 2022, 14:59(UTC+0)
4) Alchemy - [D] Helga (Warrior) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ Feb 14, 2022, 14:59(UTC+0)
5) Alchemy - [L] Solphi (Warrior) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ Feb 14, 2022, 14:59(UTC+0)
6) Alchemy - [E] Olivia (Sniper) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ Feb 14, 2022, 14:59(UTC+0)
7) Alchemy - [W] Charlotte (Cleric) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Dec 16, 2021 ~ Feb 14, 2022, 14:59(UTC+0)
■ Alchemy Point System Adjustment
- 'Alchemy Point System’ located at the [Alchemy] will be adjusted with maintenance on January, 2022.
- As Alchemy Point System will be adjusted, any Alchemy Points obtained from the equipment Alchemy will be accumulated until the noticed date below.
1) Accumulatable Period of Alchemy Points : ~ Until 2022, Jan 23, 14:59:59 (UTC+0)
2) Alchemy Gift Receivable Period : ~ Until 2022, Jan 25, 02:59:59 (UTC+0)

※ Alchemy Gift will be unavailable after the receivable period. Please receive all Alchemy Gifts before the period ends!
※ Unreceived Alchemy Gifts are not recoverable under any circumstances.
※ Alchemy Points cannot be achieved after the end of the accumulation period, and current Alchemy Points will be reset after adjustment.
■ Balance changes in Silent Straits
[ Adjustment in Monarch Skills ]
1) Effect of Fire’s Wrath, Attack-type Monarch Skill, will be adjusted to ignore the Sea God’s Resistance, which will always allow the debuffs applied over the Sea God.
◆ Adjusted Monarch Skill
- Fire’s Wrath (Attack-type) : Decreases enemy’s attack
- Fire’s Wrath (Attack-type) : Decreases enemy’s defense
- Fire’s Wrath (Attack-type) : Decreases enemy’s speed
2) All 3 types of Monarch Skill’s Attack / Recovery will be adjusted.
- Fire’s Wrath (Attack-type) : Damage given to enemies will increase approximately 4 times than before.
- Ocean’s Grace (Support-type) : Damage given to enemies will increase approximately 3 times than before.
- Earth’s refuse (Recover-type) : Recovery given to allies will increase approximately 2 times than before.
[ Adjustment in Sea God’s Skill ]
1) [Water] Sea God, and [Earth] Sea God’s Spawn’s skill effect will be adjusted.
◆ [Water] Sea God
- 1st Phase: Chance to provoke all enemies when using ‘Retribution’ will be decreased from 50% to 40%.
- 2nd Phase: The counter-attack buff of the ‘Sea God’s Curse’ will be decreased from three turns to one turn.
- 2nd Phase:Chance to provoke all enemies when using ‘Retribution’ will be decreased from 60% to 50%.
◆ [Earth] Sea God’s Spawn
- The effect of [Earth] Sea God’s Spawn’s skill, granting ‘Shield to Allies’ will be decreased to 50%.
[ Adjustment in Burst Skill ]
- Required trigger for all Heroes’ Wide-range Burst Skill in Silent Straits will be adjusted.
※ After maintenance on Dec 16, Heroes’ Burst Skill will be activated even only 2 enemies are left on the battlefield. (Before - 3 or more enemies were required / After - 2 or more enemies are required)
※ Adjusted trigger for Wide-range Burst Skills only applies at the ‘Silent Straits’. Required trigger for Wide-range Burst Skill in other contents, such as the Scenario, and the Obelisk will not change.
[ Other Adjustment in Silent Straits ]
- An issue where extra turns gained right before using Monarch Skill disappears after using Monarch Skill will be fixed.
- An issue where a player is brought back to the lobby when the network is disconnected temporarily will be fixed.
※ Players will be available to reconnect the network within 10 seconds after temporary disconnection of the network, and after reconnection, the players will be able to continue the battle in Silent Straits.
※ However, if network disconnection continues more than 10 seconds OR if they close the application, players will be terminated from the battle, and will be moved back to the lobby of the Silent Straits.
■ Avillon Event Updates
1. Daily Event
1) Conquer the Silence!
- Event Period: Nov 23, 15:00 ~ Dec 19, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Battle against the Sea God in the Silent Straits and get various rewards!
- ‘Conquer the Silence’ event period will be extended.
※ Before : Dec 13, 14:59 (UTC+0) > After : Dec 19, 14:59 (UTC+0)

2) Paid to Upgrade
- Event Period :
* 1st : 2021, Dec 16,15:00 ~ 2021, Dec 19, 14:59 (UTC+0)
* 2nd : 2021, Dec 30, 15:00 ~ 2022, Jan 2, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Get rewards everyday for upgrading your equipment!

3) Energetic Efforts
- Event Period: 2021, Dec 19,15:00 ~ 2022, Jan 2, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Rewards will be available depending on the amount of energy consumed!

4) Ad Gifts
- Event Period: After maintenance on Dec 16 ~ Dec 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Rewards will be given depending on the number of ads watched!

5) Arena Fighters
- Event Period : Dec 13, 03:00 ~ Dec 19, 14:59 (UTC+0) (edited)
- Fight in the coliseum every day, and get various rewards!

6) Plaza Playtime
- Event Period: 2021, Dec 19, 15:00 ~ 2022, Jan 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Get rewards upon number of friendly match played at Unity Plaza!

2. Term Event
1) Vie for Victory!
- Event Period: 2021, Dec 24, 15:00 ~ 2022, Jan 7, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Win battles in the coliseum and get rewards upon number of victories!

2) Calamity’s Bane
- Event Period : Nov 7, 15:00 ~ Nov 21, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Join the Raid battles during the event period and get rewards!

3) Obelisk Ascension
- Event Period: Dec 23, 15:00 ~ Dec 27, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Various rewards will be available upon the number of Obelisk played!

■ Other Adjustment and Bugfixes
- Improvement over text effect of Hero’s buff and debuff which appears during the battle at the Silent Straits and Calamity’s Cradle.