Today, 7th September is our 1st anniversary of the official global launching. Thank you to all of our Lords who helped us to make the first year of global service a success!
We know that this couldn't have done without you, Lord, and we truly appreciate the love and support you’ve shown towards us. We hope this update, as well as the next update, will surprise all of you, and promise that we keep seeking a way to make the game enjoyable.
As to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our fans and to celebrate the 1st anniversary, we’ll be granting all players a selection of special gifts filled with Gold, Renown, and much more!

Please let us know your opinion on the recent update and our direction. We are all open to suggestions! Thanks for being with us for 365 days, Lord! 💕
- Coupon Code: LOHGL1YR
- 300,000 Renown
- 1,000,000 Gold
- 10 Alchemy Ticket
- 1 Mystic Soulstone - Coupon Valid Date
- Sep 7 ~ Sep 30 15:00 (UTC+0) - How to enter a coupon?
- Android : In-game [Settings] > [Support] > [Enter Code]
- iPhone : Go to [ Coupon Site ]with your Player ID found in the [Support]