Greetings, lords around the world!
This is GM Lumisade.
Please find the update details for March 24th (Wed)
* We will let you know the fixed date via further notice.
* Please be aware that you cannot play the game during maintenance.
* Please note that all screenshots were taken from the test server and these may displayed as Korean.
■ Outfit & Style Accessory Item Release
“Make your heroes cooler with Outfit and Accessories!”

Astrid has sent us an awesome picture of Avillon knights wearing cool-looking Ancient Outfits!
Fram: Umm, hey, until when do I have to be like this?! It hurts!
Charlotte: My neck is about to…
Astrid: Fellas! No pains, no gains! Have some patience!
▶ A Boutique Owner of Avillon: Aurea
“Meet Aurea, a tailor of Avillon, who creates wonderful outfits for Avillon Knights with her magic!”

Listed heroes will be having [Ancient Outfits]
> Fram / Johan / Charlotte / Schneider / Mikhail: 1 costume for each hero
* An Ancient Outfit will change a hero’s appearance.
* There are two types of Outfits: Common / Limited Edition.
The Limited Edition is much more colorful.
- 74 types of [Accessories] will be added.
> Fram: 15 types / Johan: 13 types / Charlotte: 15 types / Schneider: 15 types / Mikhail: 16 types
▶ How to order [Ancient Outfit]
1) Click [Boutique] at the right side of the screen!
"It seems Johan and Schneider have moved back to the knights' dormitory again! Their place is replaced with Aurea. However, a rumor has it that now you can set Johan and Schneider as the 'Main Hero'.

- You must clear Lumisade 3-2 (Normal) to enter the Boutique.
2) Enter [Boutique] lobby!

- [Temporal Thread] is a material which you need for ordering Outfits and Accessories.
- You will be able to obtain [Temporal Threads] via ‘1 year Anniversary Event’ and also you can purchase them from the shop.
- You also can purchase a limited edition Outfit via the [Designer’s Closet].
- You will be consuming a certain amount of [Temporal Threads] to order an Outfit / an Accessory.
* [Ancient Edition] Outfits can be ordered during the event period and accessories can be ordered at all times.
3) Ordering Ancient Outfit (Limited Time)
- Press [Order] button to consume a certain amount of [Temporal Threads] to order an Ancient Outfit.
- Period: March 24th (Wed) after maintenance - June 1st (Tue) 03:00 (UTC+0)
* Once the event period is over, you can order ‘Accessories’ only.

- Let's take those measurements again :D

Once Aurea takes the measurements, your Outfit is on the way!
- Ta-da! Order complete! Your wonderful Outfit and Accessories are here!

- Upon [Ordering], you will be able to acquire total 5 items, one Ancient Outfit for the chosen hero with 100% rate, and 4 types of hero Accessories with a random rate.
* Either ‘Scenario Gold Acquisition Increase’ or ‘Scenario EXP Acquisition Increase’ buff effect will be given to the costume at a random rate.
* The costume's buff effect can be stacked with buff events and honors club buff.
* The costume’s buff effect will be activated once your hero enters a battle.
4) Order Accessory Items (Permanent)

- Click [Order] button to consume a certain amount of [Temporal Threads] to order accessories.
- Upon clicking [Order], you will be able to acquire 5 random hero Accessories at a random rate.
* Accessories come in three grades: Artifacts, Replicas, and Normal accessories, and they will be ordered randomly.
* An Accessory has ‘Stat Increase’ options and you can get max 3 options based on the accessory grade.
- Normal: 1 option / Replica: 2 options / Artifact: 3 options.
* An Accessory cannot have the same stat increase option at the same time.
* There are chances of getting multiple accessories with the same style and same option.
5) Designer’s Closet
- In [Designer’s Closet], you can purchase [Limited Edition Outfit] by using [Outfit Tickets].

* The Limited Edition Outfits can be purchased in the [Designer’s Closet] during the event period.
6. Return
- You can [Return] the obtained Outfit and acquire a certain amount of [Outfit Tickets] based on your Outfit’s grade.
> Outfit: (Normal) 10 tickets / (Limited Edition) 30 tickets
> Accessories: (Normal) 1 ticket / (Replica) 2 tickets / (Artifact) 3 tickets

** Your Outfit will be returned once you click [Return] button and acquire [Outfit Tickets]. Please note that the returned Outfit cannot be restored. So, please be careful!
▶ How to equip the Outfit and Accessories
1) Let’s equip the Outfit!
“If you have a cool Outfit, what are you waiting for?!”.
- You can find the acquired Outfits and Accessories via [Hero Info] - [Closet].

- Ta-da! Fram looks cool, right?!

- Upon equipping an Outfit, your hero’s appearance will change, and either Scenario Gold Acquisition Increase’ or ‘Scenario EXP Acquisition Increase’ buff effect will be applied.
- Upon equipping an Accessory, your hero’s appearance will change, and ‘Bonus Stats’ will be applied.
* An Outfit can be equipped to the chosen hero, regardless of his/her element.
* Please note that you can equip 1 Outfit to 1 Hero
ex) If you have 1 Fram’s Outfit, it can be equipped either to Fram (Water) or Fram (Fire), but it cannot be equipped to both of them.
* Please note that the hero’s basic icon will not change
* You can equip an Outfit and An accessory at the same time.
* The equipped Outfit and Accessory also will be applied in a battle and also will be shown to others.
* Upon equipping an Outfit, the hero will have different motions.
■ New Hero Release
- Mikhail (Earth) (4★/Striker) will be added
- Mikhail (Earth) will be added to [Chronicles].
- Mikhail (Earth) can be recruited by attending ‘14 Day Attendance’ event.
■ Lord of Heroes 1 Year Anniversary - [14 Day Attendance] is here!
“Lord of Heroes is already 1 year old!! Everyone, check your attendance and don’t forget to recruit Mikhail (Earth) on the 14th Day!!”

- Attendance Activation: March 24th (Wed) after maintenance - April 7th (Wed) 23:59 (Local Time)
- The attendance board will be activated upon your login during the event period
- Once activated, the attendance will be maintained for 21 days from the activated date.
[1 Year Anniversary Attendance Rewards]

** Please note that the Day 1 / Day 13 rewards (Ponytail) can be equipped to Mikhail only.
> Grade: Replica
> Fixed Options: ATK +2% / Crit Chance +2%
** Local time is your location (country) time, which was set when you created your account.
** If you close the app after the date is changed without any action in the lobby, the attendance will not be checked. Please make sure to click a reward button on your upper left side of the screen.
■ 28 Day Journey - New Emoticon is added: Mu

** [28 Day Journey] will be activated once you end the 10th Hero Contract.
** Once you check your 28th day attendance, you will be able to acquire a Random Emoticon Box.
> You can use the acquired emoticon in chats
> You will be able to obtain one of the listed emoticons, except the one you acquired last time.
■ Obelisk Season End
- To apply the new rank logic, the current [Obelisk] season will end on March 24th (Wed) during the maintenance, and the new season will begin on April 1st (Thu) 00:00 (Local Time)
> Current season end date: March 24th (Wed) maintenance
> New season start date: April 1st (Thu) 00:00 (Local Time)
[ Developer’s Comments ]
In the new season..
- On the 38F, the battle duration tends to be much longer than other floors since the boss round consists of healers (Vanessa). So, we are planning to make some adjustments.
- We are going to reduce the healing amount of monsters but increase their defense instead.
- We are going to make some adjustments on attack speeds as below.
> Boss’s Speed: Faster than normal wave monsters
> AoE monster’s Speed: Faster than single target monsters.
- We are going to make some balance and position adjustments on the monsters on every 5th floors and add ‘Invasions’ during the battle and more.
■ Obelisk: Pathfinder Message & The Grand Conqueror Adjustments
“Some of the lords were able to open the Obelisk floors earlier than others due to the time zone difference. To fix the unfairness, we are going to make some adjustments on the rank system. The ranks will be set based on the lords who have recorded the least turns and the amount of dealt damage.”
- Pathfinder Message Adjustments
> First Clear based → The least turn Clear based
> If there are lords who have recorded the same turn numbers, the rank will be decided based on the total max damage dealt on the monsters.
> If there are lords who have recorded the same turn numbers and the total max damage, the rank will be decided based on the lord’s level.
> Please note that rank may be changed in real-time due to the number of turns and dealt damage
- The Pathfinder Message will be OFF as default.
- The Grand Conquerors Adjustments
> The rank of ‘The Grand Conquerors’ will be set based on the calculation of the number of turns and max dealt damage of the last stage you have cleared after winning all floors with ‘Gold’.
> Please note that rank may be changed in real-time due to the number of turns and dealt damage.
■ System Improvements
- Upon defeating an alliance raid boss, the defeated boss’s element will also be displayed on the chat.
■ Graphic Adjustment
- The element of Schneider’s loading screen illustration will be changed from (Fire) to (Earth).
■ Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug where Chain Burst’s additional damage was not applied to ‘Leech’ effect upon casting ‘Chain Burst’.
- Revised the name of Charlotte and Schneider in the Random Emoticon Box.
■ Boutique - [Ancient Edition] Sales
- Sales Period: March 24th (Wed) after maintenance - June 1st (Tue) 03:00 (UTC+0)
* Please note that you can order ‘Accessories’ only after the event period.
■ Avillon’s 1st year Anniversary Celebration Event
“All Avillon knights are here together to celebrate Avillon’s 1st year Anniversary!”
- Event Period: March 24th (Wed) 15:00 - April 7th (Wed) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Details: Clear [Daily Missions] and acquire various rewards!

1. [Daily Missions]

- Clear [Daily Missions] every day and claim the rewards!
* Please note that [Daily Missions] will be reset at every 15:00 (UTC+0)
* Please claim all rewards BEFORE THE RESET TIME!
* Click [Get Reward] button and the reward will be sent to your [Inbox].
2. [Daily Bonus]

3. [Accumulated Bonus]

- Claim various rewards based on the accumulated [Daily Bonus] clear counts from ALL LORDS
* Please note that you can claim the Accumulated Bonus once per account.
* Click the [Get Reward] button and the reward will be sent to your [Inbox].

■ Lyn’s Alchemy Festival (Fixed Term Event)
“Use Crystals for the Alchemy, accumulate the points and acquire various rewards!”
- Event Period: March 24th (Wed) After maintenance - April 11th (Sun) 14:59 (UTC+0)

- Mileage points will be accumulated by consuming crystals for the Alchemy, and based on the accumulated points, you can acquire various rewards.
- Click the reward image and it will be sent to your [Inbox].
* Please note that this is a ‘Fixed term event’. Crystals that were consumed before the event won’t be counted.
* If you have [Alchemy Tickets], they will be consumed first. Upon using a ticket, it will be counted as‘150 Crystals’.
[Alchemy Festival Rewards]

■ Hero Package Sales
- Joshua (Water) Package

- Sales Period: March 24th after maintenance - May 31st (Mon) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- A special package including Joshua (Water) and various rewards you can obtain by achieving the required levels.
* The package can be on resale and the detailed components can be changed.
* The hero and items (currency and more) can be included in other packages and events.
* You can acquire the rewards via your Inbox upon purchase.
* If you did not get the package even after the purchase, please restart the app several times.
■ 1st Year Anniversary Package Sales

- Sale Period : March 24th (Wed) after maintenance - April 7th(Wed) 15:00 (UTC+0)
* This package can be purchased once per account.
* Must purchase previous tier to activate the next tier package.
* Hidden illustration will be revealed upon purchasing the package.

■ Temporal Threads Package Sales
- Sales Period: March 24th after maintenance - Permanent
- You will receive a bonus pack upon your first purchase.

■ Aurea's Special Coupon

- Aurea is giving out free coupons with 'Temporal Thread' inside to celebrate her shop opening! The coupon is valid after the maintenance on March 24th!
■ Hero Alchemy - The 1st Avillon Knights
- Period: March 24th (Wed) after maintenance - Permanent
- Hero: Johann (Light) / Fram (Water) / Schneider (Earth) / Charlotte (Earth) / Mikhail (Dark)
■ Hero Alchemy (Limited Time)
- Period: March 24th (Wed) after maintenance - April 21st (Wed) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Hero: Mikhail (Earth)
- Period: March 24th (Wed) after maintenance - April 30th (Fri) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Hero: Zaira (Fire) / Helga (Water) / Olivia (Earth) / Vanessa (Fire)
- Period: March 24th (Wed) after maintenance - May 31st (Mon) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Hero: Joshua (Water)
Thank you
GM Lumisade