Greetings, Lords!

This is an announcement to guide you through the upcoming 11/11(Wed) update details. Please check out the details below for more information.

* Confirmed update schedule will be notified through additional notice.
* Update details are subject to change.

■ New Hero ‘Baretta’ Release
“The Fangs of the Empire, [Baretta] awaits you.”

- Details of this new hero will be revealed on 11/11(Wed).

■ Alliance Raid Revamp
- Alliance Raid balance will be adjusted with the update occurring on November 11.

▶ Daily Elements
- The primordial monster appears as a different element every day. On Saturday, the monster will rotate through each element at the highest level reached each weekday.

- Each elemental monster will first appear as Lv.1 and after the monster is defeated, it will appear again at a higher level. On Saturday, the monster will rotate through each element at the highest level and HP gauge reached on each weekday.

(Ex : If dark element has Lv.31 with 50% HP left and fire element has Lv.28 with 60% HP left, your alliance will start from dark element (Lv.31 with 50% HP) and the next monster will be fire element (Lv.28 with 60% HP).

▶ [Decrease Action Gauge] and [Sap] Skill Effect Change
- The monster is no longer fully immune to decrease action gauge skills. Decreasing action gauge only applies 50% of its skill effect and a maximum of 30% will only be effective to the monster.

(Ex1 : Due to the monster’s basic immunity, Olivia(Earth)’s normal skill “deplete target action gauge by 20%” will only apply 10%.)
(Ex2 : Due to the monster’s basic immunity, Astrid(Water)’s Burst skill Lv.4 “deplete target action gauge completely” will only apply 30%.)

- Sap effect has been increased.
> The sap effect deals maximum 1% of the monster's health, and up to 30,000 damage per stack.

▶ Monster Balance Adjustment
- Along with skill effect changes, we have adjusted HP/Attack/Defense of the monster as well.

> First, the early tiers of the monster’s HP have been increased to balance the damage rating between mid and higher tiers. Mid and Higher tier monster’s HP has been decreased. Especially, we have adjusted the Light elemental monsters’ HP to gradually increase compared with other elements.

> The monster’s Attack and Defense has been decreased by an average of 20% in the early tiers and 30%~40% in the Mid/Higher tiers, so that overall balance of the heroes will be boosted.

> These changes will be adjusted once more after monitoring the result and play of the Alliance Raid.

▶ Weekly Raid Reward Changes

- Raid results are calculated each week on Sunday, and weekly rewards are distributed the following day based on these rankings.

- Credits are awarded to every alliance member who fought in the raid. The amount awarded is the same for each member.

- Alliance members will also receive a set amount of crystals based on their raid contribution within the alliance.

◈ Alliance Credits : Regardless of the contribution, members will receive equal rewards according to the defeated monster level.

◈ Crystals : During the season, the alliance receives the first reward according to the defeated monster level of each element, and individual rewards are distributed according to the ranking and contribution ratio by the damage dealt.

(Ex : Lv.32 Fire Monster reward is 1,800 Crystals / 2,800 Credits, Lv.24 Water Monster reward is 1,600 Crystals / 2,400 Credits)

- Since all alliances will have to fight lower tier monsters every day, we have increased overall rewards to avoid any alliance receiving lower rewards than the previous reward table.

- New alliance ranking table will be added on top of the previous records.

▶ Alliance Raid QoL Improvements

- Your previous attack party will be automatically saved for each elemental monster except Saturday.
> 5 parties of each element will be automatically saved.
> Saved parties will be loaded in the next season as well.

- Added a pop-up message if any member is participating in the raid.
- Added information on your alliance defense region and the ranking.
- Added your expected reward details in the Overall Rankings.

** Due to upcoming changes for Alliance Raid, following season rewards will be given on 11/11(Wed) instead of 11/09(Mon) during the maintenance period. Enlisting will not be available as well.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

■ Hero Contract Improvements

- The hero contract will be improved! After the update, you will be able to select a hero you want to recruit, and also will be able to cancel the contract whenever you want.

▶Hero Contract Selection

- You can select a rotation of hero contract by clicking ‘Arrows’ at the both sides of the screen.
> You can see the hero details by clicking the listed heroes.

- The contract selection option will be activated after completing the 1st/2nd hero contract.
> Krom (Water) / Lairei (Fire) / Lucilicca (Earth)

- Please be aware that you can move onto the next rotation of hero contract after completing 2 contracts per rotation. However, you can go to the next rotation when you did not choose anyone among 3 heroes or when the contract is completely canceled.

(ex 1: Contract A (3 heroes) > 1st recruitment completed > Recruit the chosen hero and start the 2nd recruitment > Not possible to go onto the Contract B (3 heroes)).

(ex 2: Contract A (3 heroes) > Cancel the contract or contract not completed > You can go onto the Contract B. (3 heroes))

- Please note that you CANNOT choose the rotation which is completed.

▶ Hero Contract Cancellation
“Well, lords have their own business to attend to, right?!”

- You will be able to cancel the ongoing hero contract manually.

- Once the contract is canceled, you can start a new contract next day at 00:00 (Local Time).

** Your time will follow the time zone where you created your account for the very first time.
- The canceled contract can be restored by consuming a certain amount of crystals, based on the days you have checked your attendance, via [Renew Contract].

- Once you choose the contract, the record of the canceled hero contract will be cleared.

■ Obelisk Improvements

- You will be able to check the requirements to win each medal by clicking the medals in the lobby.

- Once you clear the floor with ‘Gold Medal’, you will be able to replay the floor again.
> Replaying the floor will consume the ‘Sigil of Bravery’.
> Acquired medal rewards cannot be re-obtained.

- Obelisk guide details are added to [Help].

■ System Improvements & Adjustments

- The ‘Filter’ function will allow you to sort your heroes by ‘Class’ and ‘Elements’ and more.

- Alev (Earth) active skill effect has been revamped.
> Ally’s health amount will be considered as ‘Absolute Value’ instead of ‘percentage’.
> If the health absolute value is the same, the skill effect will be casted to a random ally, except Alev (Earth).

- Alliance Quit and Closing the Alliance details are added to [Help].
- Details for the Hero Contract are added to [Help].

■ Added Hero Voice

- Added 7 Voice lines of all Joshua
- Added 7 Voice lines of Joshua(Fire)

■ Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where some of the stage names were being displayed differently.
- Fixed an issue where Zaira’s eye glittering effect was disappearing while using her burst skill.
- Fixed an issue where the Obelisk tutorial dialogue being displayed abnormally.
- Fixed an issue where the hero party setting window was being displayed abnormally in the obelisk lobby.
- Fixed an issue where you could see/touch the skill upgrade button even when the hero was not recruited.

■ Term changes

- The name of some characters who appear in the Hard story has been changed.
> Juteka → Muteka

- The name of the fleet of Rosanna (Fire) story has been changed.
> Northwind → Rodoss

- Some of Dhurahan (Dark, Fire)’s voice recordings are removed.
- Some of Krom (Fire)’s voice recordings are removed.

■ Hero Package Resale

- Alev (Water) Package
- Period: After maintenance - 2021.01.31 (Sun) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Details: A special package including Alev (Water) and rewards you can acquire by achieving levels.

■ Extended Hero Package Sales

- Solphi (Water) Package
- Period: After maintenance - December 31st (Thu) 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Details: A special package including Solphi (Water) and rewards you can acquire by achieving levels.

■ Hero Alchemy
- Hero: Alev (Water) - Warrior
- Period: After maintenance - 2021.01.31 (Sun) 14:59 (UTC+0)

■ Extended Hero Alchemy
- Hero: Solphi (Water) - Striker
- Period: After maintenance - December 31st (Thu) 14:59 (UTC+0)