
Even among mercenaries who value freedom above all else, many in the industry share a common dream—to establish their own mercenary guild. But of course, that path comes after the customary rise to fame on the battlefield, joining a renowned mercenary guild, and then finally becoming famous enough. It's safe to say that almost all mercenaries have dreamed of signing those registration papers with the name of their very own mercenary guild.

Ricardo, however, stood out amidst his peers, drawing the attention of many. Despite his fame, he chose to take on solo commissions without belonging to any guild or having followers by his side. Any regular mercenary would normally grow tired of a life of such uncertainty and most would want nothing but the warm embrace of their cozy beds after countless arduous battles. But Ricardo was different. The last thing Ricardo wanted to do was to go home. He sought ways to prolong his voyages, accepting the dirtiest tasks no one else would touch. Despite such, he would greet every new place he went to with a twinkle in his eyes, lit with utmost curiosity.

As he waited to depart on his voyages, he would look over the horizon on the docks, and he would be overcome by a flood of emotions as he danced the fine line between responsibility and freedom. Every time he rejected offers to join a guild, his colleagues would insist he hadn't seen enough of the world yet. Ricardo, however, would always simply laugh it off. The truth was, the conundrum had no easy solution, nor did it seem like an end was in immediate sight. This enigma keeps Ricardo away from returning home, where his familiar water and his friends are at. But it won’t take as long as one might expect. Let's not forget that whilst he may be a bit all over the place, his talents are undeniable.