
In Isola, a nation graced by beautiful seas, there exists a famous figure bestowed with the Blessing of the Sea—Rosanna Devicci.

The Devicci family's renown stems from their remarkable generosity, always allowing their wealth to bring prosperity to others around them. Yet, amidst the family's legacy of generosity, it is Rosanna's story that truly demands our attention.

Isola has always been of utmost importance to Rosanna. Though it is merely the land of her birth, Isola has bestowed countless gifts upon her—from the small things such as the soothing melody of waves breaking on the shores of Isola, to the big things like her precious companions she would gladly lay down her life for. To Rosanna, Isola embodies a depth of meaning that surpasses anyone else's understanding.

And so, Rosanna's tireless journey continues. She remains vigilant, ready to aid those outcasted and hidden in the shadows and rescue those caught in life's relentless storms. Despite her petite stature, her determination is mighty, capable of taming the fiercest waves into mere droplets.

Let us appreciate Rosanna for her actions, not the weighty legacy of the Devicci family. She is a person who is considerate enough to build playgrounds for children, and despite her cravings, she knows how to limit herself to three pieces of cinnamon candy each day for the sake of her health.

Though many aspects of Rosanna remain hidden, they await discovery like treasures buried in the sand. What we do know is that Rosanna is our navigator, guiding us to a brighter tomorrow. She stands firm, never yielding to any storm that life may send her way. That's the kind of person Rosanna is.