
In the land of Isola, where Rosanna heralds the dawn, it is Walther who gently bids the night farewell. With his meticulous attention to detail and concern for matters around him, he stands as the true steadfast lighthouse of Isola.

Walther's secret to earning everyone's trust lies in a simple approach—doing his best with unwavering patience in every single moment. Even when others take their rest, Walther tirelessly ensures every task is completed and every person is cared for. His approach may seem simple, but as we all know, it is often the simplest tasks that are the most challenging.

However, Walther's burning passion and unwavering diligence was not a product without struggle. When the war ended, he was left with nothing. Countless nights were spent in the depths of sorrow until his passion took root in the barren soil of his heart.

The scars remain, but that doesn't bother Walther. Sometimes, the pain in his scars burns so intensely that sleep becomes impossible. And sometimes, he longs for the warmth of the ones he failed to save. But Walther has come to accept that these scars and his longing for his lost companions are an integral part of who he is.

Letting go of the past that he failed to protect was no easy task, but Walther doesn't hesitate to face the present he must defend. No shadow is too dark for his light, and no life is beyond his reach. With the trust of all resting on his shoulders, this steadfast guardian will continue his diligent journey.