July 1st is Miriande's birthday!

My birthday won't increase the success rate of my experiments or solve the mysteries of the world. So instead of bothering me, maybe focus on improving my work environment.

◆ Coupon Code: BDAY240701

◆ Coupon Valid Date
Jun 30th, 15:00 ~ Jul 7th, 14:59 (UTC+0)

◆ Miriande (All Elements) Special Alchemy
Jul 30th, 15:00 ~ Jul 2nd, 14:59 (UTC+0)

◆ Bonus EXP for Miriande on Elixirs!
Miriande will gain 30% more hero EXP when using Elixirs!
Jul 1st, 00:00 ~ Jul 2nd, 23:59 (LOCAL)
The LOCAL time is your location(country) time, which was set when you created your account.

How to enter a coupon?
- Android : In-game [Settings] > [Support] > [Enter Code]
- iPhone : Go to [ Coupon Site ] with your Player ID found in the [Support]