Greetings, Lords around the world.
This is GM Rhodon.

The new Calamity's Cradle (Alliance Raid) is now available in beta after being revamped in the June 20th update.
We highly value your feedback and are committed to continually testing and improving the feature based on your thoughts. Any additional changes will be announced through update notes or separate announcements.

Based on your feedback, we discovered that some of the skill effects of the Beast of Ruin were not working as intended. As a result, we have decided to make adjustments to the following skills:


1. Earth-elemental primordial monster's Earthrending Slam will be adjusted.
- Before: Attacks all squads. Increases Defense of the user for 4 turn(s). Additionally, grants Critical Hit Resistance to the user for 4 turn(s).
- After: Attacks all squads. 75% chance to reduce Attack and Defense of the target for 3 turn(s).

2. Dark-elemental primordial monster's Earthrending Slam will be adjusted.
- Before: Attacks all squads. 75% chance to reduce Critical Hit Rate and Critical Hit Damage of the target for 3 turn(s).
- After: Attacks all squads. 75% chance to reduce Attack and Defense of the target for 3 turn(s).

[Patch Schedule]
- Date: 2024 Jun. 21st (Fri) 07:05 (UTC+0) 

We would like to assure all Lords that we are continuously listening to your feedback and opinions in order to provide an enjoyable gaming experience for all players, including the revamped Alliance Raid.

Thank you.