Greetings, Lords from around the world.
This is GM Rhodon.

Following the September 26th update, we've identified an issue where some players are repeatedly receiving Day 1 rewards from the Check-In event.

This issue has been confirmed to affect certain users in specific time zones, and measures have been taken to prevent its recurrence.

All mistakenly distributed unused Featured Summon Tickets have been reclaimed.
For those who exploited the issue by using the tickets, 500 Link Stones have been reclaimed for every 10 tickets used.

Users found to have intentionally abused the system and violated the Terms of Service (Article 9) have been subjected to appropriate penalties.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused by these related errors, especially at a time when we aimed to bring joy to all our Lords through the collaboration update.

Rest assured, we will continue to make every effort to maintain a stable gaming environment.