Greetings, Lords around the world.
This is GM Lunaris.
Please find the following information regarding new Featured Summons.

■ Summon: 『Astrum Aurorae』

1) Banner Duration: August 21st (Mon) 09:00 – September 14th (Thu) 02:59 (UTC+0)
2) Summon Details: Players can summon certain ★5 Heroes & Relics.
▶ Summonable Heroes:
★5 Syphfride (Light), ★5 Miriande(Water), ★5 Mercenary Aslan (Fire) ★5 Ondal (Earth), ★5 Dragon Knight Helga (Water), ★5 Brandon (Dark)
▶ Summonable Relics:
★5 Syphfride (Light) / ★5 Miriande (Water) / ★5 Mercenary Aslan (Fire) / ★5 Brandon (Dark) / ★5 Ondal (Earth) / ★5 Dragon Knight Helga (Water)
Mei Ling (Dark) / Mei Ling (Fire) / Mei Ling (Earth) / Mei Ling (Light)
Astrid (Dark) / Astrid (Fire) / Astrid (Water) / Astrid (Earth)
Olivia (Light) / Olivia (Water) / Olivia (Earth)
Helga (Fire) / Helga (Dark) / Helga (Water)
Zaira (Earth) / Zaira (Light) / Zaira (Fire)
Laphlaes (Earth) / Laphlaes (Fire)
Schneider (Earth) / Schneider (Water) / Schneider (Fire) / Schneider (Dark)
Mikhail (Earth) / Mikhail (Dark)
Charlotte (Earth) / Charlotte (Water) / Charlotte (Dark)
Johan (Light) / Johan (Water) / Johan (Fire)
Fram (Light) / Fram (Fire) / Fram (Water)
3) Important Notes
※ Summoning Period can be subjected to change and any changes will be announced in a separate blog post.
※ The 'Astrum Aurorae' Summon is categorized as a 'Featured Summon'. All Featured Summons share the same summon count. This summon count does not overlap or count towards other types of summons.
※ Any Relics that are summonable from 'Astrum Aurorae' cannot be summoned from 'Contract Summon'.
※ Any Relics & Heroes that are summonable from 'Astrum Aurorae' can be summoned from another summons in the future.
※ If the player has not recruited 5★ Syphfride (Light) within 89 summons, the player is guaranteed to recruit 5★ Syphfride (Light) on their 90th summon.
※ If the player recruits 5★ Syphfride (Light) before their 90th summon, the summon count will be reset.
※ If the player has 'Featured Summon Tickets', the tickets will be used first before other items. However, if the number of tickets possessed is insufficient to perform all desired summons, the player can use Linkstones to complete the summoning process.
※ Detailed information on summon rates is available via the Rates button.

1. Alchemy - Syphfride (Light) [Cleric] artifacts will be added.
- Duration: August 21st (Mon) 09:00 – September 14th (Thu) 02:59 (UTC+0)