Greetings, Lords around the world!
This is GM Varhya.
Thanks to everyone's efforts, the objectives for the Mystic Beast Hunt have been achieved well before anticipated.
A new item will be added to the Special Shop, allowing players to utilize the remaining Hunting Medals until the end of the event.
Check out the details below.
1) New Item will be added to the Mystic Beast Hunt Special Shop
- Item: Linkstone x500 // Cost: Piyo Medal x700 (only purchasable once during the event)

2) The amount of Hunting Medals obtainable from Ad rewards will be increased.
- Hunting Medal Reward: 5 → 10
※ The Ad rewards will be changed starting from August 4th.
3. Increased Mystic Beast Appearance Rate Buff Event
Aug 5th (Sat) – Aug 6th (Sun) 20:00 ~ 22:00 (2h) - Increased Mystic Beast Appearance Rate [Appearance Rate: High]
※ The Rate-Up Buff will be applied based on the time zone players created their account in.