February 29th is Rosanna's Birthday🎁🎉
Let's celebrate her birthday (a day earlier) and also download wonderful wallpapers of her! ✨

Oh, why don't you just change my birthday to whenever you want? I keep saying no but you don't even bat an eyelid! *sigh* Thanks anyway.
◆ Coupon Valid Date
- Feb 27th, 15:00 - Mar 6th, 14:59 (UTC+0)
The coupon won't work before Feb 27th, 15:00 (UTC+0).
◆ Rosanna (All Elements) Special Alchemy
- Feb 27th, 15:00 - Mar 1st, 14:59 (UTC+0)
◆ Bonus EXP for Rosanna on Elixirs!
- Rosanna will gain 30% more hero EXP upon using Elixirs!
- Feb 28th, 00:00 - Mar 1st, 23:59 (LOCAL)
The LOCAL time is your location(country) time, which was set when you created your account.