Avillon Post : February

Greetings, Lords around the world.
This is Jae-Hyun Lim, director of Lord of Heroes.

I have a hard time grasping that it is already 2nd month of the year. I still write down the year as 2022 and fix the last number to 3.

Anyway, without further ado, let's get into the second edition of 2023's Avillon Post.

First of all, here's a brief introduction to this month's upcoming update.

■ Olivia(Fire) has arrived

As you might've already seen from the post's main image, Olivia's new elemental form is finally coming to Avillon. In her timeline, she is famous for being the best bounty hunter in the world. Olivia until now has only shown soldierly disciplined looks, but with rough-cut short hair, she looks quite different.

Olivia is a Sniper and will show what versatility truly means.

Olivia's accessories.‌ ‌Can't wait to see them in-game!

◆ Olivia's Avillon Knights Edition
As premiered on the 1000th-day anniversary, Olivia's Avillon Knights Edition outfit will be released along with Olivia (Fire).

Stay tuned for outfit the intro video and announcements to come!

■ Hall of Agates

As mentioned in January's Avillon Post, a new hall will be added to the Primeval Halls. From the Halls of Agate, you can obtain Class Agates according to the day of the week. Lords who have maxed out the game won't need Agates that much, but we are looking forward to this feature to help out lords who have started their reign.

Oh, and there are agates with new grades. It must be for something, right?

■ Outfits RERUN (Feb.7th – Feb.18th)

Many of you have requested reruns of outfits that are no longer available. We've heard you, and the Outfits RERUN event is ongoing right now! By the time this post is published, the event would be almost over.

The related images are posted on February 7th's update announcement, so please check it out in the link. As a bonus, here's something that the devs have been working on.

While working on the concept of the outfits and accessories, there are times when we add details to the lore.

That's it for February.

I know that this month's edition is short, but we are currently working on something that you would enjoy a lot. I am desperate to tell you all about it, but at the same time, I'm trying to hold back a little to prepare it more thoroughly before I open up the big news.

But still, here's some sneak peek of the March update.

Heroes' Birthday Event is scheduled for early March. Give presents to the birthday heroes, see how they react, and earn special rewards.

There's a high chance that the text will change so I've blurred them out. Can you guess what they are?

And along with the March WBC season, Dhurahan's Sports Outfit Collection will be released.

Our concept artist gave us the colored version of the concept art for Avillon Post.

Also, along with our 3rd Anniversary of the Lord of Heroes, a new main scenario, 'Nightmare' will be released. Nightmare's storyline will be followed after the Extreme difficulty. There will be some happy-to-see yet awkward-to-meet faces. Hope you enjoy it.

If you look closely, something looks awfully familiar. What could be happening?

There is so much more to share, but I think I should stop here before I get carried away and spoil all the fun that's waiting for you in March.

Until then, stay safe and have fun.

[ Avillon Post-sharing Event ]
◆ Period
Feb 15th (Wed) – Feb 22nd (Wed) 14:59 (UTC +0)

◆ How to participate
Share the Avillon Post Facebook post with others!

◈ Rewards
- 1,000 Shares: Elixirs x 30
- 3,000 Shares: Energy x 6,000
- 7,000 Shares: Gold x 50,000
- 10,000 Shares: Renown x 50,000
- 15,000 Shares: Mystic Soulstone x 1

※ The total shares include the official Global Facebook page, Korea Kakao Talk channels, and retweets on official Twitter Japan.