[Notice] November 24th Known Issues

Greetings, Lords.

We'd like to inform you of a list of issues currently being investigated by our team.

The list will be updated, added, or removed regularly as they are discovered and resolved. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all issues we are aware of or working on fixing.

Last updated: November 29th, 01:20 (UTC+0) Ver. 1.2.112407, Recommended update.
※ You can download the latest update from Google Play Store and App Store.

[Current Known Issues]

[Fixed Known Issues]

- An issue where battle info is not being displayed in Silent Straits Battle Reports.
- An issue where Ondal's birthday is being displayed in the calendar.
- An issue where the Plaza Playtime event is applied as a Daily Event.

- An issue where Obelisk Ascension even reward has been wrongly applied.
※ The ongoing event has been reset and Sigils of Bravery compensation will be sent to your inbox.

- An issue where the UI occasionally disappears and is unable to navigate in the Heroes screen. (Nov 29, 01:20 UTC+0)
- An issue where Support Heroes of War of Tyrants are being displayed in the Focused Training Room after using certain content. (Nov 29, 01:20 UTC+0)
- An issue where 'Increased battle speed' has also been applied to heroes' chat. (Nov 29, 01:20 UTC+0)
- An issue where duplicate heroes are shown in Battle Formations screen. (Nov 29, 01:20 UTC+0)
- An issue where support heroes joined the battle formations when using the 'Fill Slots' feature in Calamity's Cradle. (Nov 29, 01:20 UTC+0)

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the issues above.

Need to report a bug in Lord of Heroes? You may submit bug reports at Support. Please provide us as many details as possible about your issue. The more details you give us, the more likely we can track down the bug and fix it.

Thank you!