Greetings, Lords around the world!
This is GM Isola.
Please check the update details for September 6th.
- We will announce the fixed date via further notice.
- Please be aware that you cannot play the game during maintenance.
- The update details shared below are subject to change during the course of the maintenance.
■ War of the Tyrants Part II <Book of Strife> Chapter 8 ~ 10 will be updated
- We will be restoring War of the Tyrants Part II, Chapters 8 through 10.
◈ War of the Tyrants PART II <Book of Strife> Restoration Schedule
- Chapter 5 : Restoration Completed on Jul 28th!
- Chapter 6 : Restoration Completed on Aug 4th!
- Chapter 7 : Restoration Completed on Aug 11th!
- Chapter 8 ~ 10 : After the maintenance on September 6th
- Chapter 11 ~ 12 : Coming Soon!
※ Restoration Schedule for Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 will be announced in a separate announcement in the future.
※ All Records of History flow chronologically within the context of 'War of the Tyrants', so players must complete each record in accordance with its timeline.
※ Only a certain translation of Chapters 8 through 10 will be applied on September 6th maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.
※ Please read below for more details.
◈ Translation that will be applying on September 6th
- Chapter 8 & 9 : Korean / English / Japanese
- Chapter 10 : Korean
※ Players will be available to play all battles even if language translation is not affected. However, some of the story videos and effects may not be played in some of the stories.
※ Stories of the War of the Tyrants Part II <Book of Strife> that missed out due to delayed translation will be available in the [Archives] after the next maintenance of September.
[ Developer Comment ]
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the delayed schedule of the story translation. English/Japanese translation will be available in the next update. We kindly like to ask for everyone's understanding.
■ Adjustments in the Linkshop
1. New item will be added to the Linkshop.
- Content: Skill Reset Ticket
- Period : After the maintenance on Sept 6 ~ Until further notice
- Purchase Limit : 1 / Month

■ Adjustments in the Alchemy
1. Alchemy - [F] Rashad (Sniper) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Sept 6 ~ Oct 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
2. Alchemy - [D] Joshua (Cleric) artifacts will be added
- Period: After maintenance on Sept 6 ~ Oct 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
■ New Costume will be added
1. Costume: Arcane Theory 101 Edition - Rashad will be added

- Sales Period: After maintenance on Sept 6 ~ Oct 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Rashad’s [Arcane Theory 101] will be released at Boutique / Designer’s Closet
- Arcane Theory 101 Edition is a costume item that changes Heroes’ appearance overall.
- Costume’s grades are divided into Normal and Limited Edition
- Players are able to purchase the Normal version at [Boutique] and the Limited version at [Designer’s Closet].
- The Limited version of the costumes is more special in terms of color.
[Arcane Theory 101 Edition : Arcane Physics Assistant Professor]

■ New Hero will be added
1. New Hero : [Fire] Rashad ★4 Sniper is back on sale

- Period: After maintenance on Sept 6 ~ Oct 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Content: [Fire] Rashad (Sniper)
- Price: USD 26.99
- Immediately get 100 of ‘Elixir of Insight’ upon recruitment.
Please note:
※ The package is effective immediately upon purchasing and it is not refundable.
※ The price is based on Google Play Store.
※ The contents are subject to resale or change after the termination of sales.
※ Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
※ You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
※ If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
※ Restoration will be unavailable over any items not retrieved from the mail within designated days.
2. Hero Gift Package: [Fire] Rashad Gift Package

- Period: After maintenance on Sept 6 ~ Oct 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Content: Hero Gift Package
- Price: USD 8.99
- This package is available only after purchasing [F] Rashad Hero Package
- Purchase is available up to 3 times. Special Accessories will be given when this package is purchased 3 times.

- Accessory Option: Resistance +3% / Debuff Rate +3% / Speed +5
※ [Golden Rashadrone] cannot be obtained by Costume or Accessory Crafting.
※ Players who already have purchased [F] Rashad Hero Package during the past sale period will not be required to purchase an additional Hero Package to purchase the ‘Hero Gift Package’.
※ Restoration will be unavailable over any items not retrieved from the mail within designated days.
3. New Package! Energy Festival!
- New Energy Festival will be on sale after the maintenance on September 6th!
1) Content: Energy Festival Packages
2) Period: Sept 7, 03:00 ~ Sept 12, 14:59 (UTC+0)
※ Players must purchase prior steps of the packages in order to purchase the next step of Avillon Festival Packages.

4. Adjustments in the Special Sales on the Skill Upgrade Packs
- Purchase limit of ‘Skill Upgrade Pack III’ will be changed from 10 times per month to 30 times per account.
- Period: After maintenance on Aug 25 ~ Oct 1, 02:59 (UTC+0)
- Purchase Limit: Please note the attached image above for details
* Purchase limit of ‘Skill Upgrade Pack III’ will be changed from 10 / Month to 30 times per account.
* Players who already have purchased ‘Skill Upgrade Pack III’ before September 6th maintenance, purchase count will be accumulated and deducted from the total purchase limit.
Please note:
※ The price is based on Google Play Store.
※ Players must purchase prior packages in order to purchase the next number of Skill Upgrade Packs.
※ Event Packages will not share the purchase limits with packages that were on sale previously.
※ Packages with regular price will not be on sale during the event sale period. Regular-priced packages will be back on sale after the event sale period ends.
※ The event sales period is subject to change. When such changes happen, a separate announcement will be published on the official blog.
※ Heroes, equipment, and items (in-game currency, etc.) that are included in the package can be sold in other in-game events and shops.
※ You can claim the items via the Shop tab in [Mail] upon purchasing.
※ If you are unable to claim the purchased item in Mail, please exit the game and try rebooting the app.
※ Restoration will be unavailable over any items not retrieved from the mail within designated days.
■ Avillon Event Updates
1. Mystic Beast Hunt: Grondal
- During the event period, Grondal will appear in the World!
[ Event Schedule ]
- Event Period: Sept 23, 03:00 ~ Oct 2, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Special Shop Period: Sept 23, 03:00 ~ Oct 4, 14:59 (UTC+0)
[ Event Rewards ]

[ Special Shop List ]

Please note:
※ Find detailed information about the Event in the in-game Event tab.
※ During the hunt, Mystic Beast will occasionally appear in wave 2 of the story and Primeval Hall stages you've completed.
※ You must have already completed a stage for a mystic beast to appear!
※ When you defeat a mystic beast, you will receive hunting medals that can be used at the special shop.
※ You can use the collected medals for exchanging various items at the special shop.
※ The mystic beast appears in random elements, and the obtainable amount of hunting medals varies by its elemental type.
※ The mystic beast has different stats varied by the difficulty level of stories and Primeval Hall stages, but the obtainable amount of hunting medals is the same.
※ The remaining hunting medals are automatically switched to 500 Gold per medal when the event ends.
※ The obtained hunting medals can be used during the event period.
2. Daily Events
1) Paid to Upgrade
- Event Period
* First Period: Sept 8, 15:00 ~ Sept 11, 14:59 (UTC+0)
* Second Period: Sept 22, 15:00 ~ Sept 25, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Get rewards every day for upgrading your equipment!

2) Arena Fighters
- Event Period : After maintenance on Sept 6 ~ Sept 10, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Fight in the coliseum every day, and get various rewards!

3. Term Event
1) Avillon Ambassador
- Event Period: Sept 7, 15:00 ~ Sept 22, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Dispatch Heroes every day and get rewards!

2) Daily Battle Training
- Event Period : After the maintenance on Sept 6 ~ Sept 18, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Rewards are available upon the number of times played through story stages, Primeval Halls, Raid, Obelisk, Coliseum, Unity Plaza Friendly Match!

3) Calamity’s Bane
- Event Period: Sept 11, 15:00 ~ Sept 24, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Join the Raid battles during the event period and get rewards!

4) Obelisk Ascension
- Event Period : Sept 15, 15:00 ~ Sept 18, 14:59 (UTC+0)
- Various rewards will be available upon the number of Obelisks played!

■ Other Adjustment and Bugfixes
1. [Summon Tutorial] will be adjusted after the maintenance on September 6th; an ensured result of getting one ★5 Hero will be over. Summon Tutorial will now summon either Relics OR Heroes from its designated probability.
2. There will be an improvement over the ‘Increase Debuff Duration’ effect.
- ‘Increase Debuff Duration’ effect will be adjusted to ignore the Immune effect.
* Please note that this improvement does not affect the ‘Immune to increase debuff duration’ effect, and may not applies to certain immune effects.
* Immune effects that are subjected to be excluded from the skill effect will be informed when it’s planned to be updated.