Greetings, Lords
This is GM Isola.

We'd like to inform you of a list of issues currently being investigated by our team.

The list will be updated, added, or removed regularly as they are discovered and resolved. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all issues we are aware of or working on fixing.

Last updated: August 2nd, 05:10 (UTC+0)

[Current Known Issues]

War of the Tyrants
- There is an issue in the 'Records of History' where [Auto Select] in certain records that includes designated Heroes in the party is selecting Heroes with low power ratings.
* This issue only affects records that players can place additional Heroes in their party with the designated Heroes. Records that do not possess designated Heroes formed in the party will [Auto Select] Heroes without any issues.

Unity Plaza
- There is an issue in the Summer Vacation Theme, the lens view of [Photo Mode] moves abnormally when players attempt to pause/move the lens view at a certain spot of the theme. (added on Jul 28, 09:53)

[Fixed Known Issues]

- There is an issue in certain contents, where the limited version of Fram's Avillon Knights Edition is displaying as the normal version. (fixed on Jul 28, 10:06)

- There is an issue where a new game account is created when players attempt to reactivate the deactivated game account through their linked platform. (fixed on Aug 2, 05:10)
* As the above issue has been fixed on Aug 2nd, players with the deactivated account will be available to reactivate their account on the very first login screen of the game.
* Deactivate account is an account inactivated on the game for more than a year; This does not include any closed account.
* Those who experienced this issue; Please close the game application completely, then restart the app. After restart, a reactivation notification will appear when you log in to your linked platform. (added on Aug 2, 05:24)

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the issues above.

Need to report a bug in Lord of Heroes? You may submit bug reports at Support. Please provide us as many details as possible about your issue. The more details you give us, the more likely we can track down the bug and fix it.

Thank you!
GM Isola.