February 29th is Rosanna's Birthday!
Let's celebrate her birthday (a day earlier) and also download wonderful wallpapers of her!

"Seeing you making all the fuss about birthdays every year reminds me why I passed a law in Isola about my birthday being celebrated once every 4 years. Stop making a big deal out of it!"

✔ Download wallpapers!

◆ Coupon Valid Date
- Feb 27th, 15:00  - Mar 6th, 14:59 (UTC+0)
The coupon won't work before Feb 27th, 15:00 (UTC+0).

Rosanna (All Elements) Special Alchemy
- Feb 27th, 15:00  - Mar 1st, 14:59 (UTC+0)

◆ Bonus EXP for Rosanna on Elixirs!
- Rosanna will gain 30% more hero EXP upon using Elixirs!
- Feb 28th, 00:00  - Mar 1st, 23:59 (LOCAL)
The LOCAL time is your location(country) time, which was set when you created your account.

How to enter a coupon?
- Android : In-game [Settings] > [Support] > [Enter Code]
- iPhone : Go to [ Coupon Site ] with your Player ID found in the [Support]