[Event] Decorate the Picture of Hughie! - Winner Announcement

Introducing 10 Lords who got selected as winners of the event!

Thanks for the participation and we'll be back with another event soon.

1. Lord 7JG1WNP6G1GDCY3Q

2. Lord 8J6Y418W7J9GCX3Q

3. Lord 9DR6JP8W77Y9S11Q

4. Lord 4433GR9K17W9C11L

5. Lord D41GGMK74Y7MHGNQ

6. Lord G9Y9R4X8N1DDTY1L


8. Lord N4MDGNN73Z1YS7YL

9. Lord N4MDGNN73Z1YS7YL

10. Lord ZK486JN1MZXYC77Q