Greetings, Lords
This is GM Lunaris.
We'd like to inform you of a list of issues currently being investigated by our team. The list will be updated, added, or removed regularly as they are discovered and resolved.
Last updated: Nov 4, 10:36 (UTC+0)
[Fixed Known Issues]
- There is a typo in the Chinese (both Simp. and Trad.) description of [W] Solphi Hero Package. (fixed on Nov 4, 10:36 UTC+0 )
- Among [W] Charlotte comments, [W] Astrid's comment mission is incorrectly displayed. (fixed on Nov 4, 10:36 UTC+0 )
> The mission will be completed as usual.
- There is a typo in the Japanese comments of [E] Lucilicca. (fixed on Nov 4, 10:36 UTC+0 )
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the issues above.
Need to report a bug in Lord of Heroes? You may submit bug reports at Support. Please provide us as many details as possible about your issue. The more details you give us, the more likely we can track down the bug and fix it.
Thank you!
GM Lunaris.