Greetings, Lords
This is GM Lunaris.
We'd like to inform you of a list of issues currently being investigated by our team. The list will be updated, added, or removed regularly as they are discovered and resolved. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all issues we are aware of or working on to fix.
Last updated: Oct 1, 08:00 UTC+0
[Fixed Known Issues]
- There is an issue in Gallus Empire (West) where the occupation reward and Accolades are unavailable upon the first clear of Elite 11-16 (fixed on Sep 30 update)
- An issue where [Water] Bianca’s Quadroblast, that it transfers ‘the oldest buff applied to the enemy’ when it supposed to transfer ‘the most recent buff applied to the enemy’ (fixed on Sep 30 update)
- Abnormal display of Baretta's profile (fixed on Sep 30, 11:30 UTC+0)
- An initial sequence is temporarily unavailable (fixed on Sep 30, 11:30 UTC+0)
- An issue where illustrations are not being displayed even the costume exists in the player's inventory (added on Oct 1, 08:00 UTC+0)
> Players who've encountered the issue are encouraged to reboot the game.
- An issue where Halloween Masquerade text is missing in Unity Plaza (fixed on Sep 30, 11:30 UTC+0)
- An issue where [E] Zaira's Voice is missing upon Promotion/Ascension (fixed on Sep 30, 11:30 UTC+0)
- An issue where [D] Joshua's sales period is incorrectly displayed (fixed on Sep 30, 13:40 UTC+0)
[Current Known Issues]
- Stories in Helvania and Lunaris are temporarily unavailable (found on Sep 30 update)
- Archives tutorials and a sequence story after extreme 11-16 are temporarily unavailable (added on Sep 30, 09:05 UTC+0)
- An issue where Korean displays upon collecting Valor (added on Sep 30, 10:45 UTC+0)
- UI display issue where Set Bonus activates on every turn of the battle (added on Sep 30, 10:45 UTC+0)
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the issues above.
Need to report a bug in Lord of Heroes? You may submit bug reports at Support. Please provide us as many details as possible about your issue. The more details you give us, the more likely we can track down the bug and fix it.
Thank you!
GM Lunaris.