[Event] Lord of Heroes OST review event

Watch our new music video of Lord of Heroes OST <Chance>,
and join this event by leaving a review with hashtags on your SNS!

All participants will receive 100,000 gold.
Even more, we are giving out Primeval Soulstone for 10 lucky people among participants!

[How to participate]
1) Watch CHANCE MV which will be revealed at 8/17 09:00(UTC+0)
2) Leave a review with hashtags '#LordofHeroes' and '#Chance_OST' on your SNS after watching  MV.
3) Share your SNS post to the link below to participate!

[ Go to Survey Form ]

- Period : August 17th 09:00 ~ August 21st 15:00 (UTC+0)
- Event Rewards :
🎁 Participation Rewards: 100,000 gold
🎁 Selected 10 players will be received 'Primeval Soulstone'

- Social Network Account must be set as public
- Please be noted that the event rewards will be provided only once per account