[Notice] Winner announcement of the ‘Warning! No Spoilers campaign’

A lot of Lords participated in the campaign!
There was so much witty and good content, it took a lot of thought to select a winner.

Who will be the 10 winners to receive the Acrylic Stand of Lord?!
Dududududu~~ 😆️

Check it out with the images below RIGHT NOW!

※ The winners will be received a notification through in-game Mail.
※ Please check the mail before proceeding to the next procedure.

■ Secret Guardian [71MGG7JYZZ7YS7YQ]

■ Secret Watchman [XYXYW6D44G44F6ZQ]

■ Secret Watchman [3KXYRXDMGYJMBGNL]

■ Secret Keeper [PXPDXD8GYJMGCXML]

■ Secret Keeper [63KY34RD81GDSY1Q]

■ Secret Keeper [XW4ZMMP1KZ9YB77Q]

■ Secret Keeper [NXWGDPDX1GY4A6RQ]

■ Secret Keeper [P4GX4YPX8K7WC8YL]

■ Secret Keeper [GNGKMY7X3KMWS84Q]

■ Secret Keeper [K14RZG6ZRNZKFJDQ]