[Event] June 20th is Solphi’s Birthday!

June 20th is Solphi’s birthday!
Let's celebrate her birthday and also download wonderful wallpapers!

It's my birthday already? Time flies by... "Birthday" feels much more familiar to me now.

[ Download 1440 x 3200 ]
[ Download 2732 x 2048 ]
※ The coupon is valid at 06/19(Sat) 15:00 (UTC+0). It WON’T be valid before 15:00.

◆ Coupon Valid Date
- 06/19 (Sat) 15:00 - 06/26 (Sat) 14:59 (UTC+0)

Solphi (All Elements) Special Alchemy
- 06/19 (Sat) 15:00  - 06/22 (Tue) 14:59 (UTC+0)

◆ Solphi's bonus EXP on [Elixirs]!
- Solphi (All Elements) will gain 30% more hero EXP when using [Elixirs]!
- Period : 06/20 (Sun) 00:00 - 06/22 (Tue) 23:59 (LOCAL)

※ How to enter a coupon?
- Android : In-game [Settings] > [Support] > [Enter Code]
- iPhone : Go to [ Coupon Site ] with your Player ID found in the [Support]
※ LOCAL time is your location(country) time, which was set when you created your account.