Greetings, lords around the world!
This is GM Lumisade.
Please find the update details for March 9th (Tue).
* We will let you know the fixed date via further notice.
* Please be aware that you cannot play the game during maintenance.
■ New Hero Release

- Schneider (Dark) (4★/Warrior) will be added
- Schneider (Dark) will be added to [Chronicles].
- Schneider (Dark) can be recruited with 6,000 crystals (Permanent) upon reaching Lord Lv.15

- Aslan (Fire) (4★/Guardian) will be added
- Aslan (Fire) will be added to [Chronicles].
- Aslan (Fire) can be recruited with 3 million Renown (Permanent) upon reaching Lord Lv.25
** More details will be introduced via a hero notice
■ System Adjustments
- [Inventory] will be expanded! You will be able to save more equipment! (500 slots → 600 slots)
- Coliseum buff will be changed.
> Total of 32 heroes will be added including Schneider (Dark) and Aslan (Fire).
■ Bug Fix
- We will be adding 10 Accumulated Bonus counts due to the recent issues with the [Spring Stroll with Schneider] event.
■ Mystic Beast Hunt Event
- The Mystic Beast: 『Grondal』 will appear at Avillon from 03/12(Fri) 03:00 (UTC+0)!!

[ Event Details ]
◈ Event Period : 03/12(Fri) 03:00 - 03/22(Mon) 14:59 (UTC+0)
◆ Special Shop Open Period: 03/12(Fri) 03:00 - 03/24(Wed) 14:59 (UTC+0)
[ Mystic Beast Hunt Rewards ]

[ Special Shop ]

* More details about the hunt can be found on the event page.
* Mystic Beast Hunt Info
- During the hunt, mystic beasts will occasionally appear in wave 2 of Story stages and Primeval
Halls you've completed. You must have already completed a stage for a mystic beast to appear,
- When you defeat a mystic beast, you will receive hunting medals that can be used at the special shop.
- Random element Mystic Beasts will appear with a random rate. The numbers of acquired medals
will be different based on which element Mystic Beast you have hunted.
- The shop's lineup will change depending on the mystic beast that is being hunted.
- Any unused medals will automatically be converted to 500 gold for each.
- Acquired medals only can be used in the same event period.
Thank you
GM Lumisade