[Notice] 09/22(Tue) Maintenance Completed!

Greetings, lords!
This new is coming from Avillon.

Maintenance has been completed on 09/22(Tue) 11:00 (UTC+0).
Please refer to the latest Avillon News or  Update Note for update details.

[ Maintenance Compensation ]
- Regular Compensation : 300 Crystals
- Extended Compensation : 200 Crystals

[ Additional Info ]
- We have extended Hero's Contract check-in time for 24 hours to avoid failing the contract during today's maintenance period. This applies to those who are expected to fail the contract during 09/22 05:00 ~ 09/23 05:00 (UTC+0).
- There is an issue with EXP value when using Elixirs on the birthday Hero, which increases more exp than actual displayed exp value.

Thank you.
Lord of Heroes team